Danzhou Sports Center: A Hub for National Fitness and Improved Public Services

Original title: Danzhou: Playing the role of sports center and continuously improving the public service system for national fitness

Focus on the campaign to improve services in public places

■ Hainan Daily reporter Wu Xinyi

On the afternoon of June 22, Danzhou citizen Cai Wenyin and his 11-year-old daughter Zhang Yuxin came to the swimming pool of Danzhou Sports Center. After changing into swimming gear, Zhang Yuxin excitedly went into the water to warm up and swam happily, while Cai Wenyin sat on a chair on the shore and watched his daughter swim.

“Now that it’s summer, my child wants to play in the water, so I often bring her here to swim.” Cai Wenyin said that the swimming pool in Danzhou Sports Center is spacious and bright, the water is very clean, and there are 5 safety guards. She feels very relieved when her child swims here.

Danzhou Sports Center consists of “one stadium and two halls”, namely a standard stadium, a gymnasium and a swimming pool. Since it was put into use in 2022, Danzhou Sports Center has become a good place for citizens to exercise.

In the afternoon, the swimming pool is a popular place in Danzhou Sports Center. In the evening, the outdoor stadium is very lively. Hainan Daily reporters saw that many citizens came here to walk, run, play football, and some people “brought their own equipment” to play badminton, skateboarding and other sports. According to Chen Linsen, a staff member of Danzhou Sports Center, more than 2,000 citizens go to the stadium to exercise every day.

“I live nearby. I take my grandson here for a walk after dinner, and I also go for a run in the morning,” said Mr. Huang, 65. “Before this sports center was built, we would watch TV at home after dinner. Now that we have such a good venue, we often come here to exercise.” According to rough statistics, the total flow of visitors to the “one stadium and two halls” of Danzhou Sports Center will exceed 600,000 in 2023.

“A few days ago, the Group C (Southern Division) of the 28th China University Table Tennis Championship was held at the Danzhou Sports Center. Nearly 200 athletes from 15 universities came here to compete. Danzhou citizens can enter for free to watch these high-level competitions.” Chen Linsen said that the venue is fully equipped with first aid equipment. Each venue is equipped with an AED (automated external defibrillator), and the swimming pool is equipped with at least 5 safety officers. While providing citizens with a place to exercise and keep fit, their life safety is guaranteed to the greatest extent.

A relevant person in charge of the Danzhou Municipal Tourism and Culture Bureau said that after the completion of the Danzhou Sports Center project, it has successfully hosted the 6th Hainan Provincial Games. At the same time, it can provide venues for Hainan’s western cities and counties to hold high-level sports events and even host large-scale international cultural and sports events, thereby improving the public service system for national fitness.

) (Wu Xinyi)

2024-06-24 01:36:05
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