Deaf European Basketball Championships in Malaga: good start for Italy

Nice debut for the deaf women’s national team at the European Championships in Malaga. The debut of the Italians, reigning champions after the triumph in Pescara in 2021, was highly anticipated in the event which is being played for the first time on Spanish soil. And Italy lived up to expectations, beating Turkey (57-49) after a real battle. The Italy staff, made up of Sara Braida and Giovanna Franzese, wins it with the defense: a trademark of a team that plays by heart and that over the years has learned to suffer to conquer her dreams.

Turkey’s star player, a 1.95m athlete who scored 25 on her debut, was limited to just 7 points by captain Simona Cascio’s great defence. Turkey recovers – somewhat surprisingly – the point guard who had made her fortunes in previous years and who was kept on rest in her debut due to the after-effects of an injury, but the Italian girls are not caught unprepared even for her marking . A very good overall defensive performance, therefore, which launched the attack, with Ziccardi as the protagonist (three triples for Karola) and Strazzari who took on important responsibilities. While Sautariello carried the ball with confidence and earned precious free throws in the final. The rest of the team played their part, contributing to the construction of a success that immediately gives confidence.

Tomorrow at 3.30pm second match against Poland, who lost on Saturday in their debut against the Turks: in case of victory the Italians will be first in their group and already qualified for the next phase, otherwise they will resort to the difference in baskets and separate ranking. The performance that Sorrentino and his teammates will be able to put together against the Polish team therefore becomes decisive.

While the men’s national team, which debuted with a good performance and beat the hosts Spain (60-55), today will find itself facing a much more challenging obstacle, Lithuania, considered among the favorites to win the final.

2024-06-24 07:00:55
#Deaf #European #Basketball #Championships #Malaga #good #start #Italy


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