Demand for Increased Safety Measures in Comiso: Democratic Party Calls for Action

Comiso – “The last one is the baseball bat fight. Which would have occurred, according to what the police investigations show, in a minimarket located near the central Corso Vittorio Emanuele. From these episodes, it emerges, therefore, with ever greater force, how the security alarm, which we had already spoken about in recent weeks, continues to be persistent in our city, especially in the historic center. For this reason we ask that a meeting of the provincial committee for safety and public order specifically dedicated to the Comiso case be convened”.

This is the request that the group leader of the Democratic Party in the city council, Gigi Bellassai, addresses to the municipal council so that it can act as spokesperson in this direction towards the prefecture. “We would expect greater concern from the mayor and the members of the city executive – Bellassai again – in the face of a serious problem that affects the entire population closely. We can no longer shrug our shoulders and wait for something to happen from above. We must be protagonists of our destiny in the sense of proceeding along the only possible path which is that of greater attention to everything that happens in these areas which have now become at risk at all hours of the day. And this can only happen if there is a synergy of intent.

We know that there has been renewed attention from the police forces for the Casmena area. And for this, of course, we thank them. All this, however, and the latest episodes bear witness to this, is not enough. We expect that the mayor will not neglect this emergency, as unfortunately happens with others, and will intervene in the only possible way, that is, involving all the living forces of the territory to form a united front in attempting to stop the proliferation of sad and unpleasant phenomena. We, as the Democratic Party, are ready to do our part.”

2024-06-26 05:17:09
#Comiso #Security #Urgent #meeting #baseball #bat #brawl


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