Denver Nuggets: A Season of Near Glory and Unfinished Business

2023-2024 NBA SEASON – The NBA season is over, the opportunity to look back at the exercise of the last eliminated teams. Place the Nuggets, reigning champions, but who narrowly failed to regain glory and sign a double which remains illusory.

What to remember from the Denver Nuggets season

The Warriors (2017-2018) remained the last team to retain their NBA title. Champions in 2023, the Denver Nuggets therefore knew the magnitude of the task that awaited them. Despite a few departures of additional players, the entire major five had been retained. And this five, perhaps the best in the NBA, was more than enough to get through the regular season without any problems. Which was the case. However, after a previous season finishing at the top of the West, unexpected competition from the Wolves and Thunder may have exposed some weaknesses.

But not enough to really rock the boat. Denver finished in 2nd place, with the same record as the Thunder, which helped deliver a third MVP trophy to a Nikola Jokic still exceptional. But it was in playoffs that this team was the most anticipated. After having martyred the Lakers once again in the first round, the Nuggets faced the surprising Wolves, and delivered an epic series, unfortunately concluded to their disadvantage at the end of game 7. This is a reminder of the difficulty of remaining at the top, even if Denver clearly didn’t get far. But the Nuggets will not have succeeded in sublimating themselves at the best time, unlike last season.

Our prediction at the start of the season: 1st / Final ranking: 2nd

Le MVP : Nikola Jokic

Who other than the NBA season MVP to be the Nuggets MVP? The Serbian has been immensely consistent all season, being as always the leader of his team, the brains of an attack regulated like music paper. 26.4 points, 12.4 rebounds, 9 assists, 65% shooting True Shootingdon’t throw any more away, his impact goes beyond stats, he is one of the creators of the status of ” Point Center“. His place in history will be discussed until the end of his career, but there obviously remains this taste of unfinished business. playoffs, where he could not avoid the elimination of his people, although having increased his production and his impact. We’ll see which version of the Joker shows up next season, but we can’t wait.

Le MIP : Christian Braun

Its impact had already been praised during the playoffs 2023, remained to be confirmed every evening on a regular basis. On paper, go from 4.7 to 7.3 points is not a staggering statistical progression either. But he has gained the confidence of his staff, having the second most playing time coming off the bench. And managing to have an impact in such a well-established group deserves to be saluted, even if his season will probably be reduced to a half-baked playoff campaign, although he once again had a definite impact.

Le DPOY: Aaron Gordon

Sometimes less impactful offensively speaking, Gordon remains arguably the best defender on this team. His role is clearly defined, and he goes on a mission to anyone from positions 3 to 5. It’s not a matter of stats, he will never be the best rebounder on his team or the best blocker. It’s a one-on-one story, an area in which he excels and doesn’t mind doing the dirty work to free Nikola Jokic, a strategy that has proven itself. This does not prevent him from shining on offense, and this operation has made the Nuggets what they are today: a contender. And this since his arrival.

The disappointment: Michael Porter Jr

Again, it’s not just a matter of stats. As a 3rd option, MFA is having an honest season averaging 16.7 points at almost 40% behind the arc. But freed from the burden of seeking a first title at all costs – he who, we recall, was announced as the first choice in the famous 2018 draft before back problems – we imagined this season as one of total explosion. It will perhaps be for the next one, and it was useful in this exercise, but given the promised talent, there remains a little taste of unfinished business.

What future for the Denver Nuggets?

We will have to be on the lookout. First of all, Kentavious Caldwell-Pope to one player option for next season, and his decision could result in a large number of choices. Jamal Murray et Aaron Gordon (which will also have a player option however) will be at the end of their contract in 2025. The 5 major, as it stands, remains one of the best in the NBA, but will it stay that way? The bench must be reinforced, but complicated with a starting five to 160 million. The harsh financial laws of the NBA fall on the Nuggets, who will have to play tight in a Western conference which will be even more competitive next season. However, the Joker is committed until at least 2027, and this fact alone will delight any Denver supporter.

2024-06-21 06:48:39
#Nuggets #team #fail #double #operation


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