Determined Fighters Michael Löb and Arsen Show Grit in Tournament Despite Early Eliminations

Arsen won his first fight, but had to admit defeat in the second
Round, he was defeated by last year’s third-placed player and was eliminated early
the tournament. Michael Löb won his first three fights confidently before he was eliminated in
quarterfinals against the finalist. With two further wins in the consolation round, he had
the opportunity to fight for third place, but he lost to the title holder of the
last year, Andreas Höhl, after an exciting 7-minute fight.
Overall, Michael reached 5th place after seven fights.
Despite the solid performance, the overall performance was disappointing, as neither
Michael nor Arsen were able to reach their full potential. With hard training they have
However, there is the possibility of a significantly better performance in the German
college championships.

Text and image: Michael Löb

2024-06-07 23:29:53
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