Discontent in Pianezza: Players Left in the Dark After Achieving Salvation

PIANEZZA – A real earthquake. Truly everything happened in Pianezza this year. From the change of ambitions in the championship, through the changes on the bench and the club and arriving at the very current situation: after the salvation achieved on the pitch by Mantegari, Dilonardo and their companions, the club would have decided to start from scratch, with a new coach and above all with a new squad of footballers. What does it mean? That 99% of this year’s squad has not been confirmed and as reported by the captain, Alberto Dilonardo, the club would not have notified its players of the choice.

Pianezza after having achieved salvation, the post-championship party is on the cover

A complaint that is confirmed by what Mantegari told Sprint&Sport in recent weeks. The coach, in fact, after having achieved the objective on the field, would not have been contacted by the company to receive the termination notice. Like him, therefore, also the team group, starting with Alberto Dilonardo.

“Before the last matches the club showed up in the changing rooms, asking us to save ourselves and assuring us that this was the backbone of next season with the addition of some new reinforcements. Added to this was the promise of a prize, even if only symbolic such as a barbecue or dinner in case of salvation. Well, we were saved and the only dinner we had was organized by me with all the boys. Nobody gave us anything.”thunders the rossoblù captain.

“For three-four weeks the company stopped talking to us – spiega Dilonardo – We know what we did. We know what we went through: from the lack of balls to the unwashed uniforms and so on. We knew our goal was salvation and we achieved it. Yet if I hadn’t been personally interested, the company would not have communicated to me their decision, namely to send me away. To me like to everyone else. Yet, in recent days, according to what those directly involved have told me, the club has contacted several players. The thing that saddens me is that I, who am the captain, who have given everything for this club despite the difficulties, have not received even one communication. Therefore, on my own, without telling anyone, one day I showed up at the sports field. Speaking with the new coach (Giampiero Beretti, ed.) I was told that I wasn’t part of the project.”

Dilonardo then goes into detail: “At first it seemed strange to me. Throughout the year I received certificates of esteem from the president and management. I was told that I would be the pillar from which to start again. I immediately called the president and asked him for explanations. His answer was simple: since the new coach brings 7-8 new players, my refund was a burden. This was the treatment for those who had to pay for medical visits, had to wash themselves with cold showers throughout the year and, as mentioned before, struggled to have their uniforms ready for the various matches. Despite thousands, thousands of difficulties we managed to save ourselves. One Sunday there were no slips and the secretariat was closed, absurd.”

“I want to thank all the guys on the team – conclude – They followed me throughout the year. They never gave up. We were young, but we behaved like real men. I’m glad we were able to organize the prize dinner ourselves. We were all happy to see each other. A fantastic group, who went beyond the difficulties and who did not deserve this treatment. We always told ourselves that we were the company. We who have been able to make up for so many shortcomings. Nobody asked for the moon, but they did ask for a little respect. I repeat, if I didn’t go to the camp myself to talk to the club, I for one wouldn’t know my future.”

2024-06-02 16:15:34
#Pianezza #captain #Dilonardos #complaint #company #disappeared #team #confirmed #explanations #respect


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