Dole Italy Partners with Pallacanestro Brescia Youth Sector for Nutrition Clinic

On Wednesday 26 June at 8.30 pm the last meeting of the Clinica meeting organized by Pallacanestro Brescia and aimed at the boys of the Club’s Youth Sector.
Dole Italyleader in the production and distribution of premium quality fresh fruit and Official Sponsor of the team, participated in the meeting entitled “An ally for health and sport: fruit!” and dedicated exclusively to young athletes of Brescia Basketball Youth Sector. During the evening it was thus underlined how fresh fruit, thanks to its precious nutrients, included as part of a varied and balanced diet, represents a key element together with regular physical activity to promote general well-being and optimize sports performance.
Fruit consumption should be promoted from a young age and, as highlighted by several scientific studies, can be decisive in ensuring better health in adulthood and therefore have important positive long-term effects.

Among the speakers Giuseppe Cucinotta, nutritionist of Pallacanestro Brescia e Cristina Bambini, Marketing Manager of Dole Italy: both provided interesting contributions on the topic, capturing the attention of the little ones by explaining the winning combination between awareness of one’s food choices and physical exercise.
The young athletes of Pallacanestro Brescia were thus able to enrich their training on and off the field by acquiring fundamental knowledge on sports nutrition and the benefits of fruit.

“The link between sport and healthy eating is very close – comments Cristina Bambini, Marketing Manager of Dole Italy – Fresh fruit is rich in antioxidants and fiber and is an excellent and tasty source of vitamins and minerals, which are essential for proper growth and development throughout a person’s life cycle. On the other hand, carrying out physical activity regularly means contributing to maintaining and improving one’s psycho-physical well-being. Therefore, encouraging young generations to love fruit and sport means planting the seeds of a healthy and active future life. And it is important to start immediately, from an early age, adopting behaviors and a nutritional strategy in the family that become the habit of a healthy lifestyle.”

“Fruit has always been part of the human diet and can only bring benefits to our organism which, in evolution, has adapted to get the best out of this food – he adds Giuseppe Cucinotta, Brescia Basketball Nutritionist – Fibre, carbohydrates, minerals and vitamins are widely recognized as the basis of a correct diet and educating our young people and their families to include them daily at the table through fruit is essential to start improving our eating habits and to try to gain also beneficial for physical activity and sports practice”. (am)

Source: Dole press office

2024-06-28 04:05:43
#Dole #Italia #teams #Pallacanestro #Brescia


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