Dwyane Wade’s Near-Death Experience: A Tale of Survival from Chicago’s Dangerous Streets

By Guillaume K. | Sports journalist

Dwyane Wade comes from Chicago, one of the most dangerous cities in the United States. A situation that he almost saw in the worst possible way. For a simple mix-up on a basketball court, the NBA could have been deprived of a huge legend.

Because they ultimately make it to the top and live the dream of millions of fans, it’s easy to forget where NBA players come from… LeBron James is for example a billionaire, a man who now has political influence in the United States, then we no longer necessarily talk about his difficult childhood in Akron, where many young people do not make it through adolescence due to the violence that rages in the streets.

To savor their success and the path traveled over time even more intensely, players do not hesitate to tell quite crazy anecdotes about their youth. For example, Dominique Wilkins explained that he escaped from one of the most dangerous cities on the East Side. thanks to the protection of the gangsters in his neighborhoodwho saw great hope in him.

The fight that could have cost Dwyane Wade his life

Dwyane Wade is also one of those superstars who come from nothing, and his life could have taken a dramatic turn on the pitches of Chicago. “Windy City” is known for its many guns and gangs, and one day, Flash almost paid for his behavioral problems with his life. He spoke in his podcast, with his father:

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When we were younger, my dad always took us to play basketball on the courts near Lake Michigan. We were playing on our own, and at that time I had a little problem in my behavior. A guy made a mistake on me. I took the ball from the ground, and I threw it with all my strength at the guy’s head. The guy got the ball and threw it back so hard…

I didn’t even have time to react as the ball was already in my face. But I must say that in just 5 seconds, everything on the pitch became very worrying. I saw the guy show his gun, I panicked. It was later that I learned that he was one of the biggest heads in the gang world in Chicago, and he was with a lot more friends than me.

In the United States everything can happen very quickly because it is impossible to know who has a weapon or not, and especially who is capable of using it without giving the slightest importance to the lives of others. Fortunately for Dwyane Wade, he came across someone that day who was able to maintain his composure after eating the ball. Without that, the NBA would not have had one of its best legends.

Dwyane Wade, like many other NBA players, comes from tough neighborhoods where life doesn’t mean much. For a simple confusion on the ground, Flash found himself faced with a weapon that could have changed the course of history.

2024-06-23 19:00:00
#Dwyane #Wade #opens #youth #Chicago #showed #gun


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