Educamp CONI 2024: Multi-Sports Summer Center for Youth in Liguria

The sixth edition of theEducamp CONI 2024 also organized on this occasion by the Polisportiva dei Fiori 2.3 with the three founding companies, Nuova Lega Pallavolo Sanremo, Olimpia Basket and Ginnastica Riviera dei Fiori leading the project.

The format of the quality multi-sports summer center is proposed in agreement with the Regional Coni and with the patronage of the Liguria Region which, through FILSE, will recognize those entitled to an economic contribution as a partial reimbursement of the fees paid.

The camp is held weekly from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 17:00 and is open to all young people between the ages of 6 and 14, who will have the opportunity to try many sports including volleyball, basketball, gymnastics, football, judo, climbing, athletics, baseball, canoeing, swimming, martial arts and self-defense, cycling and more. All participants will be welcomed by our educators, all graduates in motor sciences, with years of experience with young people who will accompany and follow them in all ‘extra’ activities in addition to sports, including walks and swimming in the sea.
The objective of the Coni Educamps is to raise awareness of and practice more sports, to allow young people to carry out physical activity through games and become passionate about practicing sports in a constant and rewarding way.

To encourage participation, this edition will also see two distinct proposals

The Educamp Sanremo which will be based in the gardens of Villa Nobel and the courtyard of the Pascoli Middle School, with the use of various locations including the Sports Center of the Flower Market in Bussana. The proposed weeks will be 4 starting, in fact, from Monday 24 June. On Monday 1 July, again for 4 weeks, the Taggi&Valleargentina Educamp will begin with the ‘main’ headquarters at the Levà Elementary School. Here the sports offered will be partly different, to involve a greater number of disciplines and associations.
There will also be space for homework, reading and creative themed workshops which this year are “The Olympic Games”, suitable for the early hours immediately after lunch, which is served hot on site by chef Luca Muratore, who has developed a super menu for them.

Finally, training meetings are planned with specialized personnel such as the ASL doctors who will hold workshops on the importance of movement and correct nutrition, the LIPU who will tell and introduce children to how animals live and how to respect nature and the environment that surrounds them surrounds and the Police with a beautiful lesson on civic and traffic education.
In short, we have thought of everything to maintain the high quality of our project, which is characterized by variety, professionalism and experience.
There are still places available for all the weeks, for info and registrations you can write on whatsapp to the number 3664125027 or to the e-mail [email protected]
Special thanks must be addressed to the Administrations and Schools of the Municipalities of Sanremo and Taggia, as well as to the coordinator of the activities Prof. Samuele Perotti and to Eng. Alice Frascarelli who takes care of the secretariat and administrative consultancy.

2024-06-26 19:46:29
#Coni #educacamp #Riviera #dei #Fiori #sports #club #begins


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