Ellera Basketball Celebrates Successful Sports Year with 200 Athletes

Ellera Basketball celebrated the closing of the sports year by involving all its 200 athletes, from the little chicks to the first team kids. An intense year, made up of games and hard work in the gym to learn the secrets of basketball. From the Society, special thanks go to the Head Coach and Minibasket Manager, Luca Terradura, to the National Minibasket Instructor, Francesca Biscarini, to the Regional Instructors, Damiano Rossi, Federico Buccioli and Tommaso Capitanucci. A special applause also to the Youth Team Manager and Coach, Riccardo Capponi, and to the Coaches, Fabio Ciaccio and Tommaso Massarelli.

President Franco Belisti expressed his greetings to everyone, underlining the family atmosphere that reigns in the environment, an atmosphere that is reflected in the eyes of the children and their parents. The Sports Councilor of the Municipality of Corciano, Francesco Cocilovo, also participated in the event, bringing the greetings of the Municipal Administration.
“We wish everyone a wonderful summer – says the sports club – and we look forward to seeing you in September for the start of a new season. It will be a year full of news and celebrations, as Pallacanestro Ellera will celebrate its first 40 years of activity.”

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2024-06-07 08:38:16
#Closing #season #Pallacanestro #Ellera #company #goodbye #year #success


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