EM 2024: Crazy scene – streaker jumps from roof just past Ronaldo

EM Irre Szene

Streaker jumps from roof just past Ronaldo

Status: 27.06.2024 | Reading time: 2 minutes

Georgia’s miracle continues – The sensational victory against Portugal in video

Georgia continues its football fairytale and is sensationally in the round of 16. The underdog deservedly wins against the clear favorites Portugal. A lightning goal leads to the big surprise. The highlights in the video.

After the final whistle between Portugal and Georgia, an unbelievable incident took place in the Schalke Arena. A streaker overcame the security ring and climbed onto the roof of the catacomb entrance. It was only thanks to the foresight of the stewards that Ronaldo escaped unscathed.

It’s getting crazier and crazier. Portugal’s superstar Cristiano Ronaldo has a lot of fans, and not just on his Instagram profile (632 million followers). When his fans see their idol in the stadium, they get weak in the knees – or have stupid ideas. The 39-year-old is repeatedly the target of streakers at the European Championships. But during the sensational defeat against Georgia (0:2), a fan has now caused the craziest streaker attack on him to date.

After the final whistle, when Ronaldo wanted to go into the catacombs of the Schalke Arena, a fan suddenly jumped feet first into the interior, which was a good two meters deep.

Only the quick intervention of a steward can prevent something worse from happening. The steward recognizes the situation in a flash, throws himself in front of the superstar and lets the intruder glide past Ronaldo like a breakwater. The crazy spectator sails past Ronaldo’s head with his feet just a hair’s breadth away. It’s unthinkable what would have happened if he had hit him.

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One thing is clear: the hype surrounding Ronaldo is huge. In every European Championship match so far, troublemakers have stormed onto the field – at the Portuguese team’s public training session in Gütersloh alone, the police had to escort 13 streakers off the pitch. UEFA announced additional precautions.

Portugal’s coach already suspected something bad

The former world footballer often plays along with the game. Like in the Turkey game (3:0), when ten-year-old Berat suddenly runs onto the field and takes a selfie with the Portugal star. Ronaldo welcomes the young fan with open arms and a smile.

Small speedster on the field – “No safety risk”

During Portugal’s second group match against Turkey in Dortmund on Saturday, a young boy caused a stir when he stormed onto the pitch to take a selfie with Ronaldo. “That’s not our business,” said Martin Sauer, the city of Dortmund’s European Championship representative.

Quelle: WELT TV / Dorothea Schupelius

Portugal coach Roberto Martinez had a bad feeling before the game and warned of further streaker attacks: “I hope there won’t be any more. It’s dangerous and a part of the game that we don’t want to see.” But he probably didn’t expect the crazy and dangerous streaker attack after the Georgia match.


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