EM 2024: Why Julian Nagelsmann celebrates the rapper Kontra K

EM favourite song of the national team

How Kontra K’s hit motivates the national team

Status: 11:52 am | Reading time: 3 minutes

“On days like these” – Germany fans in a frenzy of joy

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The national team qualifies early for the round of 16 of the European Championship. During the victory against Hungary, the players in the stadium request a special song. National coach Julian Nagelsmann is delighted. The song becomes a symbol of the team.

The rapper, who is so celebrated by the national team, enjoyed the special football evening on the terrace. In the outdoor area of ​​a restaurant with a large screen, Kontra K watched the 2-0 (1-0) win between the German selection and Hungary on Wednesday. And shared an article from WELT in his Instagram story in which a special scene was described.

Around 20 minutes before kick-off, the stadium announcer announced that the team had requested that Kontra K’s hit “Success is not luck” be played. It says: “Success is not luck! It is just the result of blood, sweat and tears – life pays everything back.” The lines echoed through the Stuttgart Arena, which was sold out that evening with 54,000 spectators.

The 36-year-old’s song also says: “Nothing is free, you have to walk every inch yourself. Because nothing will happen on its own. Motivated, tunnel vision to the goal. Because when, if not now, and who, if not us.”

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Normally, other songs are played before the game. However, the song by the Berlin rapper, who is extremely passionate about sports, is very popular among the German team – and is currently a symbol of the development and success of the German Football Association (DFB) selection.

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National coach Julian Nagelsmann also celebrates the song, which has been viewed more than 69 million times on YouTube. Last November, when the German team lost against Turkey and Austria, it was played in the background during training, on the team bus, and in the dressing room.

On Wednesday evening at the press conference after the victory in the second group match of the European Championship at home, Nagelsmann said: “I’ve been listening to the song for a long time. I can’t agree with all the lines, but there is a lot of truth in it.” One-off success can be a happy thing, said Nagelsmann, “but there is an enormous amount of work behind it. You sometimes have to do things that aren’t so much fun.”

After the early entry into the round of 16, Nagelsmann praised his goalkeeper Manuel Neuer, who made several saves, as well as the team spirit. “Manu saves the free kick and afterwards the boys ruffle his hair and are happy for him.” The team is growing closer together: “The team simply has a good spirit.”

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Young star Jamal Musiala is responsible for the music selection during the training sessions of this team, which has finally created a wave of euphoria with its second victory at the home European Championships. Before the games, central defender Antonio Rüdiger from Berlin ensures the right sound. Their colleagues can always request songs from the two of them. In the dining room in the German team’s European Championship headquarters in Herzogenaurach, however, chef Anton Schmaus is allowed to choose the music, and he mainly relies on the best of the 90s and 80s. And on the players’ smartphones while they wear headphones on the bus ride to the stadium? There’s a lot of rap playing there.

During this European Championship, Kontra K is likely to appear again and again in the playlists of German players – and may even start a new triumph in the charts.


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