Embracing Diversity and Shared History: The Journey of Alsace Through Europe

Alsace and its shared history with Europe valued

The European Community of Alsace, created in 2021, cultivates multiple identities. Located at the crossroads of Europe, it brings together languages, cultures and heritage. A symbol of Franco-German reconciliation, it embodies the European motto, “united in diversity” and strives to bring it to life with serenity. It is also a territory proud of its particularities and traditions with its wine routes, its Christmas markets, its castles and its famous storks.

In order to highlight the riches of the European Community of Alsace, the Olympic Flame began its journey through Mulhouse, passing in particular in front of the Saint-Etienne temple, the tallest Protestant building in France. Then, direction Huningue and the famous Trois Pays footbridge, this bridge which crosses the Rhine between France, Switzerland and Germany where a symbolic collective relay organized by the State. The Flame then went to Colmar, “little Venice”. In particular, she walked the cobbled streets of the city center, lit up the half-timbered houses and flower-filled canals.

The journey continued in Marckolsheim to the Jean-Jacques Waltz college. It also highlighted two castles from different periods: that of Rohan in Saverne, built between the 15th and 16th centuries, and that of Fleckenstein whose remains have stood the test of time since the 12th century. It was then time to return to Strasbourg, the final stop of the day. The journey through the capital of Alsace allowed it to highlight its European tropism. The Flame thus left the European Parliament then before the European Court of Human Rights and the Council of Europe. She also illuminated the covered bridges, the Big Island, the Alsatian Museum and the Gothic Notre-Dame Cathedral before going to Place Kléber, in the heart of the city, where the celebration site had been installed.

Two collective relays rich in symbols and fraternity

Placed under the sign of Europe, the day highlighted symbols and references to history, particularly in Huningue where a collective relay was dedicated to Franco-German friendship. The Three Countries footbridge, inaugurated in 2007, was the ideal place to celebrate this privileged link between the two countries. The French State has joined forces with the European Community of Alsace to organize this relay. It was made up of 24 young people, mostly French and German, who were selected from their high school. Just before them, it was the German Aline Rotter-Focken, Olympic wrestling champion, who passed the Flame to the Frenchman Éric Kueny, Terre de Jeux referent in Huningue.

Another collective relay took place in Strasbourg. Dedicated to a sport like every day, judo was in the spotlight this Wednesday. The Alsatian capital is a land of judo since a European tournament, European cups and courses are regularly organized there. Among the 24 members of the French Judo Federation who walked up the Ruelle des Maroquins to the Cathedral Square, there were the hopefuls Ninon Lassal, captain of the relay, and Léonie Girardey who trains at the Pôle Espoir in Strasbourg. , the youngest of the day Arthur Mehl, 13 years old and green belt, but also Julie Fritz, vice-champion of France in adapted sport and Claude Paffenhoff recognized for his longevity and exemplarity in the discipline.

Inspiring stars and anonymous people at the meeting

At the same time, there were nearly 160 flame bearers who took turns throughout the day. And as at each stage, champions who make or have made the history of French sport were present. The Alsatians were able to applaud Thierry Omeyer, emblematic goalkeeper of the French handball team, double Olympic champion at the Beijing 2008 and London 2012 Games and silver medalist at Rio 2016. The amateur world champion of XTerra Triathlon (para triathlon ), Guillaume Jeannin was the first of the day to carry the Flame, followed a little later by Chloé Mislin, para-equestrian rider, Marie-France Pieri, specialized in 100 km races, Inène Podpovitny, finalist in rowing at the Games Beijing Olympics, Yvette Palatino, boxing champion who contributed to diversity in the discipline, and Raphaël Votz, four-time medalist in para shooting sport.

At the end of the day, it was one of the best-known players in Strasbourg sport in the world who lit the cauldron: Arsène Wenger. A distinguished defender from 1963 to 1981, he then had a coaching career, notably coaching Arsenal. He was one of the rare coaches to have had a championship year without any defeat (in 2004) with the band of Thierry Henry, coach of the French Olympic team, and Patrick Vieira, the current coach of the French Olympic team. Strasbourg football.

Arsène Wenger is not the only personality to take part in the party this Wednesday. The artist M. Pokora was also there. A recent shareholder of SIG, the Strasbourg basketball club, he is currently on a major tour for his 20-year career. In addition, the influencer Crazy Sally, who has more than 1.2 million followers on social networks, also carried the Flame.

Like every day, the Flame has also passed through the hands of anonymous torchbearers who all have inspiring stories and life paths. This was particularly the case for Constance Schaerer: for her association which supports children with a parent suffering from cancer, she set herself the mission of climbing seven of the highest peaks in the world. She has already managed to climb three (Kilimanjaro, Aconcagua and Mont Blanc). Among the other Torch bearers present, there was also Yves Wansi who works to promote accessibility for the visually impaired, Valérie Ruetsch, director of a nursery school who uses the Olympic Games as a guiding principle in her activities, and Nicolas Linder, a “handi backpacker” who traveled across France in tandem.

Tomorrow, the Flame will hit the road again and will cross the Moselle. From Meisenthal to Metz, it will once again highlight nature, heritage and all those who contribute to the vitality of the region.

Photo credit: Paris 2024 / Laurent Vu / SIPA PRESS


Find the entire stage program on

Celebration site program:
Open to the public from 3:30 p.m. to 7:45 p.m.
Free with gauge control
3:30 p.m.: opening to the public
4:00 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.: community activities on the sports area
5:45 p.m.-6:50 p.m.: partner events on the sports area
7:20 p.m.-7:30 p.m.: arrival of the last torchbearer

Find all the activities of the Torch Relay in your area on the Games Map.
It lists all the information on events linked to the Olympic and Paralympic Games throughout France: broadcast of events, sports initiations, cultural projects, etc. More than 5,000 activities can already be consulted.
Local actors and communities can reference their events there by completing the dedicated form.

Find all the photo and video content of the day on the Content Library de Paris 2024.
Photo credits are included in the photo metadata
Credit Ours News: France Télévisions – Paris 2024 / Credit CIO
Contact presse : [email protected]

2024-06-27 00:35:43
#Stage #Flame #Relay #European #Community #Alsace #Flame #celebrate #Europe


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