Embracing Diversity: Goyang City’s Efforts to Support Foreign Residents and Multicultural Families

Goyang City Immigration Management Office event desired to be held

– Support for Korean language education and cultural understanding for foreigners and multicultural families… Support for early settlement

– Organic cooperation with the Multicultural Family Center, Immigrant Integration Center, and Office of Education

-Sponsored the National Multicultural Family Badminton Competition for 11 years… Providing opportunities for communication and harmony

-Mayor Lee Dong-hwan “Support for a mature society that respects diversity”

Goyang City announced its intention to host the new Immigration Management Office promoted by the Ministry of Justice in January and began full-fledged attraction activities by expanding citizen consensus.

The city emphasizes integration, human rights, and cooperation as core values ​​of its policy for foreign residents and multicultural families, and is striving to realize an inclusive multicultural society. This year, a total of 31 projects will be carried out, including strengthening the self-reliance capabilities of foreign residents and multicultural families, expanding community participation, promoting human rights, and cultural diversity.

Goyang Mayor Lee Dong-hwan emphasized, “Goyang City has advantages such as a comprehensive transportation network, a convenient living environment, and support policies for foreign residents and multicultural families, and it will be an optimal location once the Immigration Management Office is newly established.”

◆Support for Korean language education and cultural understanding… Support for the settlement of foreigners and multicultural families

According to statistics from the Ministry of Public Administration and Security in November 2022, the number of foreign residents in Goyang Special City is approximately 24,000, accounting for 2.3% of the total resident population. There are 6,340 multicultural families.

Based on the Ministry of Justice’s foreign policy and the Ministry of Gender Equality and Family’s multicultural policy, the city reflects the characteristics of Goyang City and supports the stable early settlement and social integration of foreign residents and multicultural families.

The biggest difficulties experienced by foreign residents and marriage immigrants in the early stages of living in Korea are Korean communication and cultural differences. To solve this problem, we operate systematic Korean language education centered around the Multicultural Family Support Center and the Multicultural Education Support Center. If it is difficult to attend the group education, we visit the home and provide Korean language, parent education, and child life services.

Starting this year, an integrated support program for multicultural vulnerable families will be launched and a portion of the childcare fees for foreign children aged 0 to 5 attending daycare centers in the district will be supported to provide childcare opportunities without discrimination.

A new marriage immigrant employment support project is being established to help married immigrant women advance into society. Marriage immigrants who can speak Korean will be provided with bilingual instructors, smart store sellers, and basic education for employment and entrepreneurship so that they can build a stable economic foundation through employment and entrepreneurship. To improve the living conditions of migrant workers, a project to support accommodation improvement is also being carried out.

In addition, we are operating systematic and professional courses to help people understand and adapt to language and culture, such as interpretation and translation services, cultural diversity understanding education, creation of a community space for domestic and foreign exchange, and operation of the Goyang Multicultural Education Support Center. In addition, we provide multicultural experiences and education to the general public to increase understanding of cultural diversity and multicultural society and lay the foundation for conflict resolution and social integration.

◆Establish an organic cooperation system with the Multicultural Family Support Center, Immigrant Integration Center, and Office of Education.

The city operates a multicultural family support center to support foreign residents and multicultural families and has established an organic cooperation system with the Cat Private Investment Integration Support Center and the Office of Education.

Goyang City Multicultural Family Support Center is carrying out Korean language education, family education, and multicultural awareness improvement projects to help marriage immigrants adapt early to Korean society. Last year, it received a commendation from the Gyeonggi Province Governor in recognition of its contribution to the settlement and social integration of multicultural families in the community.

The Cat Private Investment Integration Center is a commissioned operation agency of the Ministry of Justice. We support Korean language education, understanding of Korean culture, and social adaptation for marriage immigrants, foreign workers, multicultural families, international students, immigrated youth, and refugee families.

Goyang Office of Education cooperates with multicultural education operation schools, multicultural alternative schools, and family support centers to provide customized multicultural education that takes into account the student’s situation, such as mid-immigration, type of foreign family, and nationality of origin.

◆Happiness created with a shuttlecock… Sponsored the National Multicultural Family Badminton Tournament for 11 years

One of Goyang City’s representative projects is the National Multicultural Family Badminton Competition.

The National Multicultural Family Badminton Competition is more than just a sports competition, it is becoming a venue for exchange that fosters bonds between multicultural families and strengthens harmony and friendship. It has been held every year since 2010, and Goyang City has sponsored the competition for 11 years since 2014.

Last year, the competition was held at Goyang Gymnasium on December 16. It was divided into general doubles, couples’ doubles, middle and high school doubles, and elementary school doubles, and about 500 people from multicultural families from all over the country participated. In addition to the badminton game, there were events such as traditional games and the Four Cuts of Life sticker booth, so multicultural families had a great time together.

Goyang Mayor Lee Dong-hwan “Due to the increase in international exchange, the increase in foreign residents and multicultural families has become a natural phenomenon and is becoming a part of our society. A mature society with diversity and inclusiveness where people live together as friendly neighbors even if their language and cultural backgrounds are different. “We will support it to grow.”

2024-06-07 17:51:07
#Goyang #City #optimal #location #Immigration #Management #Office #step #inclusive #multicultural #society


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