Encouraging Sports Participation: Primary School Students Discover New Activities

Get up. An incentive to practice sports for primary school students.

On Friday June 21 and 28, all the students (more than 300) of the Jules-Vallain elementary school, in Lèves, participated in the discovery of sporting activities, at the Michel-Castaing complex.

This “Play sport” operation, initiated by the municipality with the participation of local associations, “allows students to learn in a fun way other sporting activities than those provided within the school framework”, indicates Olivier Thomas, director of the ‘school.

He explains that three sporting activities were chosen in advance, from the five proposed (football, twirling, judo, rollerblading, archery) that everyone was able to practice for half an hour.

Olivier Pichereau, deputy in charge of relations with associative life, confides that “this event renewed for the 2nd consecutive year, makes it possible to raise awareness among young people of the importance of practicing sport in their lives, for their health, their development. staff and their entertainment. »


Several members of the municipal council and Rémi Martial, the mayor, came to salute this joint achievement between the school, local associations and the municipality and presented each student with a participation medal. Young people will be able, if they wish, to choose to join a local club, during the associations forum, which will take place on Sunday, September 8, at the Michel-Castaing complex.

2024-06-29 05:10:12
#Students #encouraged #sports


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