Enhancing Water Play Safety: Uljin Teachers Trained for Accident Prevention in 2024

[다경뉴스=정나영 기자] On June 27, the Uljin Office of Education conducted “2024 Water Play Safety Accident Prevention Teacher Capacity Building Training” for about 20 teachers in charge of water play safety education at elementary and middle schools in the district.

▲ Uljin Office of Education, 2024 Water Play Safety Accident Prevention Capacity Building Training Conducted © Reporter Nayoung Jeong

The purpose of this training is to strengthen teachers’ accident prevention capabilities and prevent student swimming accidents during the summer through systematic education on basic marine knowledge and first aid for drowning people.

As a training instructor, Nam Young-jun, a police officer in charge of coastal safety at the Marine Safety Division of the Uljin Marine Police Station, was invited to provide systematic training on the basic characteristics of the ocean, the dangers of rough waves, major drowning accident cases, CPR for drowning victims, and how to use an automated external defibrillator.

Uljin Office of Education Superintendent Hwang Seok-su said, “I think this water play safety training was a good opportunity to improve teachers’ water play accident prevention and response capabilities,” and added, “I hope the educational communities in the Uljin area have a fun and safe summer.”

▲ Uljin Office of Education, conducting capacity building training to prevent water play safety accidents in 2024 ©Reporter Nayoung Jeong

2024-06-28 15:08:19
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