Enrica Pepe: The Flagship of Pallacanestro Vigarano

Enrica Pepe is now to be considered a flagship of the club and Pallacanestro Vigarano is pleased to announce that it has reached an agreement for confirmation in the 2024/2025 sporting year. Power forward, born in 2004, 180 centimetres, Pepe arrived in Vigarano in the summer of 2021, after her experience in Campania with the Stabia Women’s Basketball tank top. The ability to form a team and great determination have never been lacking in the human background and not only of Pepe, captain of the team last year. The confirmation in the red and white brings Pepe’s consecutive seasons in the red and white jersey to four. In terms of numbers, last season was his most prolific, with just under 3 points and 4 rebounds per game. She remains in Vigarano to continue growing.

“I am really very happy to stay another year in Vigarano – Pepe’s words immediately after signing the contract -, I thank president Gavioli and the technical staff for the trust they have placed in me. Like the other seasons, this too must be a year of growth, both personally and as a team, so as to be able to achieve the objectives we have set for ourselves. I can’t wait to hug the teammates I’ve already worked with, as well as meeting the new ones.”

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2024-06-28 22:02:33
#Pallacanestro #Vigarano #confirms #flag #Pepe


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