Euro 2024: How Julian Nagelsmann wants to win against Hungary

EM national team

Nagelsmann warns about Hungary – “Now we want to take the second step”

Status: 19:01 | Reading time: 4 minutes

+ Live from 5:30 p.m. + Before the match against Hungary – Nagelsmann and Mittelstädt inform about preparations

After the 5:1 win against Scotland, the national team will play its second game on Wednesday. The good news before the match against Hungary: all players are fit, national coach Nagelsmann does not have to change anything in the line-up. He will give an update on the status of preparations at a press conference.

With a win against Hungary, Germany can qualify for the round of 16 of the European Championship on Wednesday. National coach Julian Nagelsmann sees particular strengths in the opponent. And explains what his match plan looks like for the second group game.

After the morning training and lunch, it was time for the next task. The German national football team was driven by bus from their tournament headquarters in Herzogenaurach to Stuttgart on Tuesday afternoon and checked into the Steigenberger Hotel.

After arriving, national coach Julian Nagelsmann and Maximilian Mittelstädt went to the stadium. Before the second group match of the European Championship against Hungary on Wednesday (6 p.m., ARD, MagentaTV and in the live ticker at WELT), the national coach and his full-back spoke at a press conference.

The Hungarians are under pressure after their 1:3 defeat against Switzerland in their first match. Their Italian coach Marco Rossi sees Germany as the “absolute favorite” after their 5:1 win against Scotland. It is almost unthinkable “that anyone will bet on us on Wednesday.”

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Germany can qualify for the round of 16 with a win. Nagelsmann said: “Our players are all fit, they’ve had time to catch their breath recently. They’re making a good impression.” In this respect, the same starting eleven as against Scotland is likely to play. The training game “young” against “old” is going to be a highly motivated game, said Nagelsmann. The mood in the team is good.

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“It’s important to have a mix of experienced and young, talented players,” said the 36-year-old. “The connection between the older and younger players is good. We need more young players for the future, but not at this tournament.”

Hungary is a “very good transition team with two strikers who are strong in the air and who have a lot of crosses.” Hungary’s statistics on dead balls are impressive. “They have a clear offensive pattern, which gives us a lot of chances if we defend well. But it also poses risks.”

Julian Nagelsmann: “Hungary is under more pressure than us”

It’s important to play your own game. “I estimated Scotland to be at a similar level to Hungary. Now Hungary is perhaps under more pressure than we are and they will have to play more offensively,” said Nagelsmann. “Because a defeat could mean they are eliminated.”

The fact that some of his national players are in demand and could change clubs this summer is not an issue for him. These are “positive life decisions” and he does not have the feeling “that it distracts anyone.”

For VfB professional Mittelstädt, the match is a home game. “The crowd is very loud here,” said Nagelsmann about the Stuttgart venue. He was very happy with the atmosphere in the stadium at the opening match. The team and fans generally have to get used to a tournament. “Now we’re trying to take the second step in terms of performance and atmosphere.”

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Mittelstädt said of his “home game” on Wednesday: “I am extremely happy. I have taken many great memories from this stadium this season.” His girlfriend and family will be in the stadium.

It will be a different game against Hungary than against Scotland, “Hungary is a difficult opponent.” We have to make it difficult for them. “We have to be careful and efficient. They defend very compactly. Hungary has recently achieved good results against the big nations.”

Maximilian Mittelstädt: “We need carefreeness”

Nagelsmann constantly reminds the players why they started playing football as children: because of the joy of the game. That also helps them to deal with the pressure at this European Championship, Mittelstädt made clear.

“We also need this carefree attitude, we need this joy in playing.” We have to show this again in the next games.” We have not yet looked more closely at possible opponents in the round of 16.

Strong on the ball: Germany’s Maximilian Mittelstädt plays against Hungary on Wednesday

Source: dpa/Tom Weller

After Stuttgart’s strong season, does he fear a sell-out at VfB? “It would be a shame if we lost players.” Hiroki Ito, who is moving to FC Bayern, is the first to leave.

He follows the rumors and speculation about his other teammates in the media. “We have built an extremely strong structure. Everyone wants the best in their future. I can’t say what the decisions of individual players will be. I can only hope that as many as possible stay.”

He himself is currently “only dreaming of the European Championship. That’s where my focus lies. The best thing would be to return to Stuttgart as European champion.”


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