Euro 2024, now it’s official, Spalletti said it: “Dimarco will not be there against Switzerland”. And Bastoni is also back at risk

Brussels, 28 June. (Adnkronos) – “It’s her favorite game plan, the one she does best. Like with the Draghi government but also with Count One: no support, but with her back straight to Ukraine” with the former ECB number 1 , “and ready to support the security decrees” of the M5S-Lega executive. According to those close to Prime Minister Giorgia Meloni, the rift that took place yesterday in the European Council – with no to Antonio Costa and Kaja Kallas but the outstretched hand of Prime Minister Ursula von der Leyen – will not have repercussions on Italy’s role in the next Commission European.

“We will get what we deserve”, is the belief, despite Rome having played the role of ‘contrarian’ during the night. Of course, between now and July 18 – the date of the Plenary which, barring surprises, should crown Ursula von der Leyen as President of the Commission, giving her an encore – the Prime Minister will face complex days of strategies and under-the-radar negotiations. With the firm objective of bringing home a vice-presidency and a commissioner with a weighty portfolio. Raffaele Fitto? “Yes, he is always on the table – the same sources explain -. But it is clear that any role must reflect the game that Raffaele has been playing at home for a year and a half now”. That is, the PNRR, territorial cohesion and new financial instruments under the Union.

“So as to oil from Brussels – the reasoning – the dialogue with Rome, which should do without Raffaele on fundamental matters”. Because it is no secret that the prime minister blindly trusts the Salento minister, and it costs her a lot to deprive herself of a super loyalist with 4 active delegations. Which, it is also reiterated by those in the know, would never be replaced by giving rise to a government reshuffle: if Fitto were to ever pack his bags for Brussels, his delegations will be redistributed, with an important role for Palazzo Chigi and his two undersecretaries, Alfredo Mantovano and Giovanbattista Fazzolari. And a newly appointed Undersecretary for European Affairs to be identified even later.

During the night, at the end of the European Council which gave the green light to the appointments, the prime minister tried to defend herself from the criticism of those who attributed to her the responsibility for having isolated Italy with her choice not to endorse the ‘package’ of the top jobs: “I think that Italy’s role is not to wait for what others do and follow along. I have always been convinced that leadership is when someone realizes that you exist”, Meloni’s words. The opposition does not think so and in particular the leader of the M5S Giuseppe Conte, according to whom Meloni yesterday at the European Council “condemned Italy to irrelevance compared to the new European government”.

From the Fdi parliamentary patrol to the European Parliament, however, positive words arrive for Meloni’s work. For Carlo Fidanza, isolation is “a tired refrain”: the MEP proudly claims the fact that Meloni was the only leader of the 27 not to vote for any of the 3 candidates, “with all due respect to those who said that had allowed itself to be normalized.” Nicola Procaccini, co-president of the European Conservatives and Reformists group, highlights “the clear signal” sent by Meloni to Europe: “The EU – he explains – cannot continue to be guided by the closed circle of the same political forces, ignoring the vote of citizens who has moved the political axis further to the right and pretending that nothing has changed”.

And among the ranks of the Conservatives there is no shortage of those who throw digs at Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, who voted against von der Leyen’s encore by saying yes to Costa and abstaining instead on Kallas. Having failed the negotiation for a possible entry of the sovereignist prime minister into Meloni’s European political family, that of Ecr, now Orban’s party (Fidesz) could create a new formation together with the Polish Pis – who are currently part of the Conservatives – sovereignist politics: “Orban – observes a source – voted in favor of the only socialist of the triad, who is Costa. So what group does he intend to form if the most socialist of all votes? Strange as a vote, from someone who would like to form an ultra-right group…”. In Ecr, relative weight is given to the threats of the Poles, who, through the mouth of the former Polish Prime Minister Mateusz Morawiecki, feared a possible farewell to Ecr: “They are negotiating positions within the group”.

2024-06-28 17:08:39
#Euro #official #Spalletti #Dimarco #Switzerland #Bastoni #risk


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