EURO 2024: Reflecting on the Impact of European Football and the Power of Movement

I didn’t sleep much from Saturday to Sunday. The reason why I happily broke my lifestyle was the performance of German and Danish football players at EURO 2024. It is called EURO probably because there is a huge amount of money involved in that tournament, but I don’t want to write about that.

I wanted to turn off the football game and go to bed because I get up early, but I couldn’t. The sporting performance was fantastic, the cooperation of the European teams on the European field was breathtaking. And the intelligence and police teams obviously did a great job too, because not a single Islamic terrorist got busted that night.

The Czechs also played in that tournament and, like every Czech, I was naturally looking forward to what they would show. It’s just that they didn’t show anything at all, their performance was unwatchable, they lost deservedly and very soon they moved from the field to the TV screens.

The Czech fans performed much better than the Czech footballers and their standard excellent effort deserves recognition.

Cogito, ergo sum. I think therefore I am. The French philosopher René Descartes came up with this in the 17th century. This is exactly how he summed up the most important task of every member of the genus Homo sapiens. I jump, therefore I am. This is what Czech sports fans came up with at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries. And exactly with that slogan they captured the most important task of the citizens of the Czech Republic.

In the context of the state of health of the Czech population, I consider the idea of ​​Kdo neskače not Czech to be so serious that I suggest adding it to the Constitution of the Czech Republic immediately. Because it’s about time we started moving. The numbers regarding overweight, obesity and diabetes are truly appalling. There are fewer general practitioners. Doctors in hospitals are unfocused and reluctant because they are overworked. There are no medicines in pharmacies. So physical movement is the last thing we have left if we want to maintain quality of life into some solid age.

In conclusion, I will return to the performance of German and Danish fighters on the European field. What the European Commission couldn’t do with its guidelines in twenty years, these European magicians with the ball did in two hours with their sporting performance: it was very nice to realize again after some time that I belong to the European area!


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