Euro 2024: Spalletti hugs Nosotti after wife’s death – This scene moves the Italians

European Championship national coach Spalletti

This heartfelt embrace touches the hearts of Italians

Status: 14:51 | Reading time: 2 minutes

Last-minute goal for the round of 16 – Zaccagni redeems Italy in the 98th minute

With a goal in the very last second, Italy secured their ticket to the round of 16. After the Croatians took the lead through Modric, it looked like they were going to lose for a long time before Zaccagni struck with ice-cold precision in the 98th minute. The highlights in the video.

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A touching scene took place during the Italian national team’s training session. National coach Luciano Spalletti hugged an elderly man on the sidelines for several seconds. Behind the heartfelt embrace lies a tragic story.

When Luciano Spalletti pulls a serious face, it can make you feel uneasy. At least if you’ve seen the film “The Godfather” too many times. Italy’s national coach can get angry, like after the match against Croatia (1:1), when he didn’t like a question from an Italian journalist. One of the most exciting moments of this European Championship.

Spalletti also proved that he has a very sensitive side in the run-up to the match against the Croatians. The day before the match, cameras caught the Italian coach approaching an older gentleman on the sidelines during his team’s final training session in the Leipzig Arena. The two men then hugged each other tightly for several seconds. Spalletti whispered a few words into the ear of his visibly moved counterpart and gave him a kiss on the cheek as he left.

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The man who then leaned on the advertising hoarding, moved, was Marco Nosotti. The Sky correspondent suffered a tragic fate in the first week of the European Championship. According to Italian media reports, Nosotti’s wife Silvia died after a serious illness on the day of the Italians’ match against Spain. The two were married for 28 years. The reporter then rushed home and returned to Germany for the group match against Croatia. When Spalletti heard of the death and saw Nosotti in the Leipzig Arena, the national coach made a fine gesture.

Spalletti consoles Italian journalist

After the emotional 1:1 against the Croatians and the entry into the round of 16, Nosotti told the story behind the hug with Spalletti in the mixed zone of the stadium. “Spalletti had told me before the tournament that we would progress together. He said: ‘Me with my team and you with your wife’,” said the reporter in an interview with the Spanish sports media “Relevo”. Spalletti, with whom he has been friends for a long time, knew at the time that his wife was seriously ill, said Nosotti.

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But the Nosottis’ journey together ended during the European Championships. “My wife died on the morning of the match against Spain,” he reported. After the dramatic point win against Croatia, which was enough for Italy to advance, Spalletti said to him: “See? Silvia gave us the strength to keep moving forward.”

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Nosotti concluded the interview by saying: “We are not a journalist and we are not a coach, we are just two people.”


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