European Athletics Championships, two more medals for the Azzurri: bronze for Dosso in the 100 meters and for Tecuceanu in the 800 meters

Rome, 10 June. (Adnkronos) – After the European elections, Italy presents itself at the G7 “with the strongest government of all”, because a message has arrived from the Italians: “Move forward, if possible with greater determination”. Giorgia Meloni shows up at two o’clock sharp at the Hotel Parco dei Principi, home to the Fratelli d’Italia headquarters, to toast the result of the vote, after having followed the counting from home, together with her sister Arianna. The outcome of the vote crowned her party with almost 29% of the vote, improving the ‘score’ of the 2022 policies.

For the prime minister and leader of the Brothers of Italy, this was an even “more beautiful” night than that of two years ago, she told the audience of journalists and parliamentarians – the latter welcomed Meloni’s entrance by singing “The sky is increasingly blue” by Rino Gaetano, now a talismanic song together with the song “A mano a mano”, omnipresent in Fdi playlists. For Meloni, the vote of 8 and 9 June has an “enormous” value because “in these almost two years we have made difficult choices at a time in which there was no money to throw away for an electoral campaign. There was need to tell the truth and do what was right for Italy, not for the party”.

Meloni says she is “proud” of the result obtained by her political force, but also expresses satisfaction for the performance of her allies Forza Italia and Lega, which the prime minister thanks: “I am proud of the fact that the majority that governs this nation has managed to grow together “. The outcome of the vote strengthens her executive in Europe, in an election that saw the governments of France and Germany emerge weakened from the polls in the face of an advance by the right. And Meloni’s gaze is projected towards the next, imminent international events: “I am proud that this nation is presenting itself at the G7, in Europe, with the strongest government of all. This is something that has not happened in the past, it happens today. It is a satisfaction and also a great responsibility. We must be aware of it.”

For the tenant of Palazzo Chigi, the Europeans are redesigning the Italian political geography, emphasizing the dichotomy between centre-right and centre-left, or rather the comparison between her and the challenger that Meloni herself has ‘chosen’ in this electoral campaign, the secretary of the Democratic Party Elly Schlein: “It seems to me that the Italian system is becoming bipolar again – observes Meloni again – it is good news because in a bipolar system there are distinct and opposing visions of the world that are compared and on which citizens are asked which side to take Today the citizens told us that they are on our side and we must be able to grasp the meaning of that message.” And the gloss of Meloni’s speech is dedicated precisely to the dem leader, who after the national anthem takes the microphone again to quote, ironically, the phrase pronounced by Schlein after the victory in the Democratic primaries: “In any case, in our case, we they saw it coming but were unable to stop us…”.

The challenge for Meloni’s party is the one that will lead to the construction of the next European majority and the birth of the future EU commission. “The objective is to put the left outside the majority” in Europe, thus replicating the Italian centre-right model also in the EU, the line reiterated by Giovanni Donzelli, head of Fdi organisation. They do not go unnoticed in the large hall of the Hotel where the general staff of the Brothers of Italy is gathered – present, among others, government representatives such as Francesco Lollobrigida, Orazio Schillaci and Maurizio Leo, national parliamentarians and MEPs, such as Nicola Procaccini – the exploits of Marine Le Pen in France and the AfD in Germany. Procaccini, who is co-president of the European Conservatives and Reformists group, speaks of an “earthquake” in France and a clear “shift to the right” also in Germany, with the governments of Macron and Scholz “in crisis”.

The question that repeatedly bounces back to the Fdi committee is whether the outcome of the vote (with Forza Italia overtaking Matteo Salvini’s League) could have repercussions on the government. The answer, in unison, is no: for the government “I don’t think the situation will change” because the government is based on the September 2022 numbers”, the opinion of Lucio Malan, president of the Fdi senators. The centre-right coalition “is growing entirely. The centre-right as a whole – says Donzelli – takes a higher percentage than in the last political elections. We don’t start making these arguments because we are interested in the entire centre-right growing”. (by Antonio Atte)

2024-06-10 00:40:20
#European #Athletics #Championships #medals #Azzurri #bronze #Dosso #meters #Tecuceanu #meters


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