European Deaf Basketball Championships: Italy silver medal

The golden dream of the Deaf Basketball National Team crumbles with 1’42” to go. The Azzurre, without strong forwards at the crucial moment (Sorrentino and Viana out for fouls) come back from -12 to -3 with boundless pride. At 62-65 it still seems possible to complete a comeback that seemed impossible and the time-out called by the staff is a cauldron of enthusiasm; but when the game resumes, Ukraine intelligently goes looking for the weak point and hits twice from below against a quintet reduced to four outside players led by Simona Cascio. Coach Braida understands that it’s over, calls the starters and gives a taste of the final to the entire bench, who deserve it for the dedication they put into this European Championship and in the preparation journey towards Malaga. And yet this last act of the Spanish competition had started off on the right foot: a sparkling start, inspired by the baskets of Strazzari and Sorrentino (6-0 after 2′). The Ukrainians, however, are tough and immediately go up the stream with a 7-0 break. Viana soon gets into the 2nd foul, which will be a problem for the rest of the match, and leaves the place to Todeschini, who makes himself useful again after the good work in the semifinal. At the first break the two teams are glued together (12-13), then in the 2nd quarter Italy tries to run away with a spectacular Simona Sorrentino (who, not surprisingly, will be voted in the ideal quintet together with Giulia Sautariello). At 16′ the scoreboard sculpts a promising 25-18 with the triple by Ziccardi, but the best weapon of the Ukraine, the three-point shot, works great and it is from 6.75 that the Eastern team builds another counter-break taking the lead just before the interval which they arrive at arm in arm (32-34). Ukraine comes out of the locker room in a better position, breaking away with a 5-0, sewn up in a flash by Sautariello and Strazzari, then Viana signs the overtaking (38-37) before committing the 4th foul. Sorrentino returns to the parquet (burdened with three penalties) and in the meantime the Ukraine coach orders the zone that sets up the Italian attack for a few minutes, until Strazzari blows it up and Italy first comes back into contact and then overtakes with a recovery and counterattack by Sautariello before the last interval, the only one that the Italians close with an advantage (46-45). The last 10′ strike with Chiosi who gives Cascio a break. Ukraine runs away, while Sorrentino burns in a flash the 4th and 5th foul (with discussion between two of the three referees, but in the end the one who whistled against the defense prevails). A terrible blow for the Italians who go down (46-54), but the comeback of Viana, who gets a three-point play, gives hope; then here comes the triple of Sautariello and Italy is back in the slipstream (51-54) with 6′ to go. But also comes the fifth foul of Viana and the Italian staff has to take refuge in a quintet of reduced size against the more powerful opponents. At -12 the fairy tale seems to be over (53-65) but Italy never dies and with a partial of 9-0 reopens the contest. We have already told the ending. In the final embrace, Sara Braida sculpts the right words for the team: “Let’s remember this moment when we are at the Olympics, in Tokyo we will try to take back the place we want”. It is in any case a silver that shines in the FSSI showcase, third prized medal in this four-year Olympic period.
Meanwhile, the men’s national team reacts after the defeat against Poland and comprehensively beats Slovenia (78-42) without Zupan. Tomorrow in the final for 5th place he will challenge Israel to try to get the best position in view of a possible repechage for the 2025 Deaflympics.

2024-06-28 22:48:58
#European #Deaf #Basketball #Championships #Italy #silver #medal


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