European Football Championship: Fans display right-wing extremist banner in the Austrian block after European Championship match

According to a media report, a right-wing extremist banner was held up after Austria’s victory in the European Championship match against Poland in the evening at Berlin’s Olympic Stadium. Shortly after the final whistle of Austria’s 3:1 victory, a banner reading “Defend Europe“, reported the online portal Laola1The slogan is the title of a campaign by the right-wing extremist Identitarian Movement, which incites hatred against migrants.

The Austrian Football Association (ÖFB) clearly distanced itself from the right-wing extremist message. “The ÖFB is very concerned that such a banner made it into the stadium despite strict controls,” the association said. “The national team and the association clearly stand for tolerance, diversity and integration in all areas of our society.”

ÖFB positions itself against extremism and emphasizes prevention work

The ÖFB further stated that the banner could not be attributed to the national team’s organized fan scene. “ÖFB fan representatives intervened immediately and documented the action, which lasted around two minutes shortly before the end of the game.” The identity of the people involved is currently being clarified.

“Inflammatory messages like these have no place in the national team’s fan sector,” the association wrote in the statement. The ÖFB has clearly positioned itself against extremism for years and does a lot of preventive work, “because this is in stark contradiction to all the values ​​that the ÖFB and football embody.”

Right-wing extremism

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According to a media report, a right-wing extremist banner was held up after Austria’s victory in the European Championship match against Poland in the evening at Berlin’s Olympic Stadium. Shortly after the final whistle of Austria’s 3:1 victory, a banner reading “Defend Europe“, reported the online portal Laola1The slogan is the title of a campaign by the right-wing extremist Identitarian Movement, which incites hatred against migrants.

The Austrian Football Association (ÖFB) clearly distanced itself from the right-wing extremist message. “The ÖFB is very concerned that such a banner made it into the stadium despite strict controls,” the association said. “The national team and the association clearly stand for tolerance, diversity and integration in all areas of our society.”


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