Everything You Need to Know About Judo in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games

He Judo It is one of the sports that will be in the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and here we tell you everything you need to know about this discipline.

If we talk about Judo, we directly associate it with Japan, since it is a traditional martial art from this Asian country that is derived from jiu-jitsu.

This sport differs from others, because it is a hand-to-hand combat using martial art. Also, in Judo a judogi is used, a “bathrobe” type clothing that is not used in the Olympic fight.

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The word “Judo” means “the smooth way” in Japanese, but this sport is hardly gentle, since considerable physical effort is required to beat your opponent.

This sport was attributed to Dr. Jigoro Kano, after he opened his first dojo (school) in 1882, in Tokyo, Japan.

The doctor combined the philosophical principles of Judo with methods of physical, intellectual and moral education, eliminating the most dangerous aspects of jiu-jitsu.

At the end of the 20th century, Judo became popular in Europe, mainly in France, becoming the first martial art to be practiced outside of Japan.

Olympic Games

Judo made its debut at the 1964 Olympic Games in Tokyo. Starting in 1972, at the Munich Games, it became a permanent discipline in the Olympic program.

By 1988, the women’s category was introduced as a demonstration event; while for Barcelona 1992, it became an official sport in which medals could already be won.

Until the 2020 Tokyo Olympics, 128 national Olympic committees already had athletes participating in Judo.

Currently, Japan, the birthplace of Judo, has the first place in medals in this sport since it joined the Olympic Games. In second place is France with 57 medals and in third place, the Republic of Korea with 46.


In Judo, the goal is to knock the opponent to the ground, immobilize them with a hold, or force them into submission.

-The categories to compete are:


  • -48 kg
  • -52 kg
  • 57 kg
  • -63 kg
  • -70 kg
  • -78 kg
  • +78 kg


  • -60 kg
  • -66 kg
  • -73 kg
  • -81 kg
  • -90 kg
  • -100 kg
  • +100 kg

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-The fights last 4 minutes.

-There are two types of scoring to determine a winner, these are ippon and waza-iri.

Ippon: Ippon is awarded when the athlete knocks the opponent onto his back with strength, speed and control. Ippon can also be obtained by submitting or immobilizing the opponent on the ground for 20 seconds. The judoka immediately wins the fight if he gets the ippon.

Waza-ari: The judoka knocks down his opponent but not with enough speed or force to be an ippon. A waza-ari is also achieved when the athlete immobilizes his opponent for between 10 and 20 seconds on the ground. Two waza-ari are equivalent to one ippon and this ends the combat.

-There are also penalties in Judo. This occurs due to the passivity or behavior of the judoka that goes against the spirit that characterizes Judo.

-If there is a tie, the winner will be determined through an extension that will have an indefinite period of time (no longer 4 minutes).

Paris 2024

Judo, as we said at the beginning, will be in the next Olympic Games in Paris 2024.

The discipline begins on Saturday, July 27 and concludes on Friday, August 3. On each of the competition days, medals will be distributed.


2024-06-27 06:16:43


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