EWE Baskets Oldenburg Extends Contract with Captain Max DiLeo

Oldenburg (dpa/lni) – Basketball Bundesliga club EWE Baskets Oldenburg has extended the contract with captain Max DiLeo. As the club announced on Wednesday, the 31-year-old American is entering his third season with the Lower Saxony team. “I know Max very well and we all know how important he is for the culture of the team,” said Baskets coach Pedro Calles about the guard. The Spaniard had already worked with DiLeo at the Veolia Towers Hamburg.

Last season, the American only made 15 Bundesliga appearances for Oldenburg due to injury. “Max has a special significance for the team that goes beyond his sporting abilities. Having him as an extended arm who represents the identity of the team and the values ​​of the club is of great value to us,” said sports director Hermann Schüller.

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2024-06-26 14:15:15
#Netherlands #Max #DiLeo #extends #contract #basketball #Bundesliga #club #Oldenburg #Sport


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