Exciting Battle for Best Puttense Racketlonners Title Ends in Victory for Etienne and Eward

June 23, 2024 at 5:05 PM Local Share your news

Last Saturday, June 22, the competitions for the title “best Puttense Racketlonners” took place for the 2nd time in history. Given the number of participating teams, the competition management decided at the start that each team had to play matches against all participating teams this time. This decision made it a very exciting, but also fair, battle. After the table tennis matches in the Meeuwen hall, the participants moved to the Putter Eng for the badminton matches. After these two parts, several teams were still very close to each other. So exciting! Tennis had to be the deciding factor as to who would walk away with the title. The tennis matches took place under the bright sun at the tennis park on the Laak. After an exciting battle, the eventual winners Etienne and Eward were literally and figuratively put in the spotlight by Ad, on behalf of the 3 associations. With 191 of the maximum 216 points they were the rightful winners. The participants were very enthusiastic and, according to them, the tournament is certainly worth repeating. The three organizing associations; Table Tennis Association Putten, Badminton Association Putten and Tennis Association Putten Het Laakhuisje have therefore decided on the spot to organize the tournament again next year.

2024-06-23 15:08:32
#Exciting #battle #victory #2nd #Puttense #Racketlon #Tournament #Puttenaer


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