Experience Community Connection at the Hoogeveen Neighborhood Camping

Hoogeveen – Since 2013, local residents throughout the Netherlands have been meeting each other The Neighborhood Camping. An initiative that will have achieved 600,000 meetings with more than 17,000 visitors and campers in 2023 alone. A neighborhood campsite will also be organized in Hoogeveen again this summer. From June 28 to 30, you are welcome with your tent at the petting zoo in the Steenberger Park.

What is the Neighborhood Campsite?

During De Buurtcamping, the De Beestenbult petting zoo will be transformed into a real campsite for three days. The campsite is inhabited by all the people in Hoogeveen: the Buurtcamping is an inclusive meeting place for everyone.

Just like at a normal campsite, you spend a lot of time outside at the Buurtcamping and everyone is equal. A game of Frisbee, doing the dishes together with the neighbor and borrowing toothpaste from the neighbor. By building the campsite together or participating in one of the activities, Hoogeven residents get to know each other better during the Neighborhood Camping.

Latest info from the administrators:

Guests are welcome on Friday, June 28 from 4:00 PM until Sunday, June 30 at 3:00 PM. The Neighborhood Campsite has room for everyone who loves camping and being outdoors. During the day there are all kinds of fun activities such as disc golf, bingo, badminton and craft activities.
No camping, but you can participate in activities: On Saturdays and Sundays you are also welcome as a day guest.

Reserve a camping spot or just drop by?

It’s all possible and allowed this weekend! You can register as a volunteer or reserve a camping spot at the Buurtcamping here: https://debuurtcamping.nl/campings/hoogeveen/

2024-06-21 11:34:12
#Buurtcamping #coming #Hoogeveen


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