Exploring the Connection between Judo and Robotics: Guided Tour of Schools of the Misionera Judo Federation

This Friday at 6pm the second guided tour of the Schools of the Misionera Judo Federation to the Robotics School will take place. On this occasion, about 50 children who practice judo in different neighborhoods of Posadas will get to know the school, its spaces and the dynamics used in the routes to learn robotics.

This activity is carried out after an agreement with the provincial representative Alicia Zalesak and the Robotics School, coordinated by the undersecretary of Martial Arts and Combat Sports of the Ministry of Sports, headed by Agustina Correa.

“The kids learn about the different projects and the idea is to invite them to think together about actions that allow robotics to be connected with sports,” commented Deputy Zalesak.

The goal is for all martial arts schools to be part of the activity that will take place every Friday, seeking to promote a link between robotics and sport through the creation of robotic projects.

2024-06-28 14:24:37
#Martial #Artist #Maker #Route #activity #seeks #connect #robotics #martial #arts #Enfoque #Misiones


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