Exploring the Terminology of Volleyball: A Comprehensive Guide

He volleyballaccording to the academic dictionary, is a sport that is practiced ‘between two teams whose players, separated by a one-meter-wide net placed high in the middle of the field, try to make the ball, propelled with their hands, pass through over the net to the opposite field’.

1. Volleyball, volleyball, balonvolea

Although it was originally called mintonette (diminutive formed from the end of the English form badminton), currently the voices are used volleyball, volleyball, volley, balonvolea y volleyball. Of these five variants, according to the Pan-Hispanic Dictionary of Doubtsthe most commons are volleyball and, in the countries of the Southern Cone, volleyball. It is worth remembering that the hybrid form of English and Spanish is not appropriate voleyball. The shortening volley It is also used to name this sport and is the one that appears in compounds such as Beach volleyball (‘type of volleyball played on beach sand’), whose variant is voleiplayaand which is also an Olympic sport.

2. Volleyball player

The word volleyball player (common in terms of gender: the volleyball player) is the generic term used to refer to the person who practices this sport. There are specific terms to name the players who are placed in different places: the libero is, according to the Spanish dictionary, the ‘defensive player without a fixed position’; The player who occupies the back of the field and carries the weight of the game is the defendery placer (o Barrette) is the name given to the player who places the ball.

3. Ball out/insidebetter than ball out/in

Ball out It is an anglicism typical of sports jargon that is used in volleyball to indicate that the point is not valid because the ball falls outside the limits of the court. It is recommended to replace it with the Spanish expression ball out.

Ball in It is a construction, from English, that is used in volleyball to indicate that a point is good because the ball falls within the limits of the court. This Anglicism is translatable by ball inside.

4. Lock outalternative to block out

Block out It is an English expression used by the referee to indicate that the ball has gone out of bounds after a block. This construction can be equivalent to lock out.

5. Tiebreak es tiebreaker

Tiebreaker o decisive game are valid alternatives to the English expression tiebreak.

6. Dig es low hand pass

The English voice digwhich refers to a defense technique, can be replaced by low hand pass.

7. Setin round

The academic dictionary includes the voice set in round, as a word in the Spanish lexicon; Its plural is sets. Can alternate with manga.

8. Ironbetter than dive

The technique of reaching a very difficult ball by diving towards it and then sliding is called irona preferable term in Spanish to dive.

9. Ace es withdraw o direct point

A serve that reaches directly to the ground of the opposing court, thus winning a point for the team that served, is a withdraw o direct pointpreferable options in Spanish for Anglicism ace.

In this case, as in all previous anglicisms, if the English forms are used, it is appropriate to highlight them in italics or in quotation marks when that type of font is not available.

10. Revisionalternative to challenge

The term revision It is a valid alternative to Anglicism challenge to refer to video verification (or video) made by the referees in some plays of the match.

11. Federation

The International Volleyball Federation is the FIVB (International Volleyball Federation).

2024-06-20 05:43:19
#Paris #volleyball #FundéuRAE


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