Exploring the Two Archery Categories at the Paralympic Games: W1 and Open

Archers shoot in two sporting categories at the Paralympic Games:

W1: Reserved for athletes who pull in a wheelchair and whose arms show a loss of muscular strength, coordination or range of movement.

Open: Archers in this category can shoot in a wheelchair, standing and leaning on a stool. They have a high activity limitation in their trunk and legs with normal arm function or have balance impairment.

In competition, during the classification round, archers shoot 72 arrows in twelve ends of six arrows, at 50 or 70m. Each archer has four minutes to shoot their six arrows. At the end of this round, the archers are arranged in a table and compete in pairs, in direct elimination over five ends of three arrows for compound bows, W1s and recurve bows.

2024-03-12 16:17:05
#Para #archery #Paris #Games


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