Fabiani’s chosen one is ready to sign for two seasons

Here he is on time Marco Barons. The next technician of the Lazio has recently arrived in the sports center of Formello to put his agreement with the Biancoceleste club down on paper. After a long apprenticeship of 20 years, the Florentine coach will finally have his big chance after two miraculous saves in A league. Based on agreements made by telephone with Fabiani in the last 24 hours, the now ex Verona he will sign a two-year contract with a probable option for a third year at just over a million in salary plus bonuses.


Lazio, Tudor sees himself again and Lotito teases him: «We have almost always gone there in Europe». Barons arriving

Lazio, Lotito confident for days: «We have clear ideas. Tudor asked too much”

For days in Formello they had been hinting that Baroni would be the chosen one and yesterday Lotito he partially confirmed it without revealing the name: «You will know the new coach soon. We have clear ideas, but I haven’t signed any contracts yet. What matters is that we will be competitive – said the owner toAnsa – and we were this year too if we hadn’t lost points to low-ranking teams like the Salernitana.

We deserved more.” Finally on Tudor: «he asked us to change eight players, too many for a group that we consider worthy, but he left a good person, I want to say that».

How will Baroni’s Lazio play?

All roads therefore lead to Barons, but how will his Lazio play? In the last season the coach started from 3-4-1-2. After that he spent a long period at 3-4-2-1 (a module dear to Tudor, but which to the joy of some players and clubs he will not use), but the turning point came with the 4-man defence. 4-4-2for a moment the 4-3-3 and finally, after the January Revolution, 4-2-3-1, an alignment that earned them a 13th place finish. There is also the tactical attitude among the reasons that pushed it Fabiani to believe in Baroni, a coach who is very capable of making the most of the players available and those arriving from the transfer market as Tchaouna (already taken) and objectives Dele-Bashiru, Boss, Noslin and ultimately Steng. List to which the Florentine coach would gladly add Cabal e Doig.

The re-evaluated with the new technical guide Tudor’s resignation made Lazio happy for the averted revolution, but also several players in the squad. Over all Guendouziat loggerheads with the Croatian coach and now with a few less temptations from Champions League (for now no offers have arrived for him in Formello). Always in midfield they will try to exploit the advent of Baroni both Rovella That Cataldiwhile in front it can be reevaluated The Isaac, one of Tudor’s least used although it was brought by his entourage. Finally, as pointed out, the club’s objective remains to give more chances to Castellanos after last summer’s investment, also because we are awaiting possible offers for Immobile.


1970-01-01 00:00:00
#Fabianis #chosen #ready #sign #seasons


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