Fabien Galthié, coach of the French XV: “They have everything to gain”

“How do you feel about the group after ten days of work?
For us, these are ten days of common life, of preparation. We trained with the under-20s last week, there are 42 of us this week. We were able to test the agenda, the transitions, the energy. We saw what we wanted to see, and we were able to complete the group with the players eliminated (in the Top 14 semi-finals), not injured and who we considered capable of coming on tour. This is very precious time spent together for us.

How to create collective osmosis quickly with many new players (23 to zero selection)?
The first thing we tell them is that if they are there, it is because they deserved it. They have everything to gain from experiencing a tour. The evolution of the calendars with professional rugby has made it more complex to manage but it remains a group which is going to discover a continent, it is an incredible opportunity to experience individually and collectively. There is an objective of performance but also of opening up to the world thanks to rugby.

How are you going to manage these three matches in seven days (against Argentina on July 6 and 13, and Uruguay on the 10th)?
We must manage to build several teams. These ten days here (in Marcoussis) are very valuable for that. At 42, we manage to build three teams minus three players. This allows everyone to be on the ground. Clearly, a first team will be needed for the first test in Argentina and a second for Uruguay. The third, we’ll see. But yes, clearly, two teams will be drawn. The best for Argentina and the second for Uruguay.

“We have two matches in three days so two teams will be lined up”

So everyone should be able to play, unlike tours to Australia (2021) and Japan (2022)?
The principle of selection is simple: it is the best who play. There is no gift selection. A selection is won. There, we have two matches in three days so two teams will be lined up and more players will take match sheets. In Australia, we had 17 days of isolation upon arrival and three test matches in ten days. In Japan, it was two matches. There, we decided to add a match on Wednesday, I felt it was possible. We had a proposal from Uruguay and Chile. We chose Uruguay. We would have liked to play four matches but we lacked time. We could have played Chile next Wednesday (July 3) but it was too short compared to our arrival there.

Do you feel a little apprehension among the players, many of whom will discover the international level?
There were some forwards in training but it was because there was a good defense (smiles). The pressure at this level, the stress, the fear, it’s normal. The difficulty for this group of players is immense but also wonderful. I find that there is good energy, the players are in the right dynamic. We took players who wanted to do this tour. We raked in around 100 players after the Tournament knowing that we wanted to protect our 20 premium players. There were injuries, the finalists (of the Top 14) and we asked the question: ‘do you want to come with us?’. If we feel a little tired, tired, we prefer frankness and we understand.

Do you have a goal of winning this tour?
We want to give the best of ourselves, to wear our colors there with a lot of courage, solidarity and commitment. We have been very demanding for ten days, the work is very intense to be as efficient as possible there as we did in Japan, as we did in Australia, as we did in Autumn (Nations) Cup (end of 2020). Once again, we have everything to gain.

“I think that French rugby is ripe to isolate 20% of the best French players and create a virtuous circle around them”

Have you appointed a captain?
It will be announced on the day the first team is announced (thus Thursday July 4, two days before the first test). We haven’t decided yet. We are first interested in seeing how the group will live in community and how responsibilities in work and community life are articulated. We will see if any leaders emerge because we are discovering quite a few players.

Baptiste Serin (30 years old, 44 caps) seems to have the ideal profile…
We’ll see… We’ll discuss it with the staff, with the players.

You recently mentioned your desire for the playing time of premium players to be co-managed between the Federation and the clubs but we did not feel the latter very warm…
(He smiles) We are working. I think, without touching the ecosystem of French rugby and the omnipresence of the Top 14 associated with the European Cup which is a success, that the French team must exist. It must take the best players of French rugby in the best possible condition. We are working on it to find an intelligent organization for the good of French rugby and its best players.

I make proposals to clubs, I work with them. With the Federation, the clubs, the League and the players, if we want to succeed in developing a generation over at least eight years, two World Cups, we must organize, develop a calendar which allows this. The principle is simple. We have experience, data and I hope that we will be able to come up with something, for 2027 but also for the future. Let it become part of the customs for future generations. I think that French rugby is ripe to isolate 20% of the best French players and create a virtuous circle around them. »


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