FAC Basketball U15s Celebrated for Departmental Championship Victory

With great fanfare and loud applause, the eleven valiant U15s (team 1) of FAC basketball entered the Frouzins Pigeonnier room on Wednesday June 19. The municipality had decided to pay them a just tribute after their beautiful title of departmental champions brilliantly obtained in Colomiers on June 1st.

They pulverized the Portet-sur-Garonne team with a resounding score of 42 to 26, after a high-intensity match in which they never failed.

It was therefore with a certain pride tinged with emotion that the mayor, Jérôme Laffon, retraced their impeccable journey of a season during which they displayed panache, fair play, serenity, power and a sense of teamwork. Present during this historic final for the FAC basket, he “replayed the match” with relish, forgetting no memorable detail.

The mayor then gave the floor to the team’s two coaches, essential architects of this success: Imane and Ludovic. The latter was even awarded the City medal for good and loyal sporting services rendered over the years.

The two co-presidents, Anthony Garcia and Aurélien Melac, came to the microphone and stressed their pride in these young girls with their solid defense and formidable attack, not to mention their individual performances. They also thanked the town hall for lending the minibus that allowed them to transport the players, as well as the families, many in the room, who showed unwavering support throughout the season.

The ceremony ended with a friendly drink, an opportunity to rewrite this beautiful page of Frouzins basketball.

2024-06-28 07:53:30
#Frouzins #Basketball #Guard #honor #champions


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