Farewell to a Legend: Baseball Mourns the Loss of Wille Mays

A terrible loss has hit the world of sport in recent days: a true legend is passing away

The news of his death immediately went around the world and on social networks. Sport mourns the passing of a true legend who wrote important pages. Especially in the world of baseball who loses a key figure like Wille Mays. Extreme mourning hits the world of sport – Sportitalia.it (Photo LaPresse)

The former athlete’s heart stopped beating at the age of 93 years old in the San Francisco area. The confirmation came directly from his family and from US sources and media. Many will remember him for having represented, for many years, the jersey of the San Francisco Giants. His impact on the game, however, has been recognized and appreciated by many fans and enthusiasts.

Among these the former president of the United States of America, Barack Obama. Precisely the latter, when he assumed the role of number one in the USA, awarded him the highest civilian honour, namely the Medal of Freedom. The former president, in fact, never hid his admiration for Mays with these statements: “If it wasn’t for him it would not have been possible to see an African American president of the USA“.

Mourning in the world of baseball, goodbye to Wille Mays

During his career he set many records. Among these is that of having been a batsman from 660 home runs. Not only that: Mays was also a combination of talents. His strength was that he was a very skilled player defence, speed was one of his best weapons, as well as being athletic, powerful and very intelligent in what he did. Mourning in baseball, farewell to the legend Wille Mays – Sportitalia.it (Facebook photo)

It also shares the lead, with Roberto Clementeof 12 victories of Golden Glove. Many also remember him for having represented, on 24 occasions, theAll Star Game. Just before the 1980s he also entered baseball’s all-time Hall of Fame. It was a source of inspiration for many people: not only from a sporting point of view (many fell in love with baseball thanks to him), but above all from a human point of view.

He will be remembered, without a shadow of a doubt, as one of the best players who wrote the history of this sport. On social networks (almost) all the clubs wanted to remember him with photos, videos and much more and thanked him for everything he gave. An emotional farewell for a true milestone of US baseball.

2024-06-22 14:31:31
#Farewell #true #legend #sudden #mourning #sport


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