FC Augsburg Signs Croatian Goalkeeper Nediljko Labrovic – A New Addition to the Bundesliga Club

FC Augsburg has struck on the transfer market and secured the services of Croatian national goalkeeper Nediljko Labrovic. The 24-year-old signed a long-term contract with the Bundesliga club.

Neu beim FC Augsburg: Nediljko Labrovic. imago images

FC Augsburg had already confirmed a “half” summer signing in the form of Kristijan Jakic (previously on loan from Eintracht Frankfurt). On Tuesday evening, Nediljko Labrovic, another player who had not previously pulled on the FCA jersey, joined the team.

Croatia’s 1.96-meter-tall European Championship driver is moving from Croatian runner-up HNK Rijeka to the Fuggerstadt and has signed a long-term contract until June 30, 2029. According to kicker information, a transfer fee of around 2.5 million euros is due for the keeper.

“With Nediljko Labrovic, FCA has signed a talented goalkeeper who is physically robust, has good dynamism and, despite his young age, already has a lot of playing experience,” explains FCA sports director Marinko Jurendic: “Nedijko has also earned his nomination for the Croatian European Championship squad as a leading player and with consistently good performances in Rijeka.”

Labrovic, who kept an outstanding 18 clean sheets in 35 league games last season, is currently preparing for the European Championship in Germany with the Croatian national team. Labrovic travelled briefly from the European Championship base in Neuruppin (Brandenburg) to Augsburg on Tuesday for a successful medical check and to sign his contract.

It was always a big goal of mine to play in one of the top leagues in Europe.

“I am very happy that the move came about because FC Augsburg is an ambitious and attractive Bundesliga club,” said Labrovic in an initial statement: “It was always a big goal of mine to play in one of the top leagues in Europe. In discussions with those in charge, it quickly became clear to me that I definitely wanted to take this opportunity in Augsburg.”

Labrovic describes it as “perfect” that the deal was completed before the start of the European Championship. “This means I can first concentrate on the national team and then fully on FCA.” Labrovic comes to Augsburg as a challenger for regular goalkeeper Finn Dahmen.

2024-06-11 17:18:55
#Augsburg #holt #Kroatiens #Nationalkeeper #Labrovic


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