Fenix Academy’s Daniel Cremaschi Wins Bronze at Open Pan American Judo 2024 in Lima, Peru

Between June 25 and 27, the “Open Pan American Judo 2024” tournament was held in Lima, Peru, covering several categories of the discipline.

Athletes from different countries on the continent competed in this international competition; Representing Argentina was the Fenix ​​academy judoka, Daniel Cremaschi, who obtained a bronze medal M3/5 -73kg.

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Josué Arredondo was crowned Argentine Judo Champion in the Kyu category. Zamora graduate welcomed Paula Pareto yesterday. Pareto is in Santiago as part of the technical team of the national tournament that is taking place at the Nodo.

The competitor’s plan is to continue preparing intensively, on the road to the World Championships in the USA in November.

Without a doubt, this is another achievement for Santiagueño sports, which in recent years has been obtaining excellent results at an international level, thanks to the efforts of the athletes and the support of the provincial government.

2024-06-28 18:55:12
#Santiago #climbed #Pan #American #judo #podium #Peru


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