Ferrara Baseball Joins Junior Active School Project to Promote Sports and Healthy Lifestyles

Asd Ferrara Baseball was called to participate in the Junior Active School Project, which was held at the Alda Costa Comprehensive Institute. This is a project promoted by Sport and Health and the Ministry of Education, with the participation of the federations and associated sports disciplines. It is a multi-sport and educational path dedicated to lower secondary schools, which allows children to try many sports, have fun and adopt an active lifestyle. From this perspective, thanks to the teachers Paola Bottoni and Deana Dallari who activated the project, and the intervention of the instructor Fabio Abetini of Ferrara Baseball, 20 classes were involved for a total of 440 students. Great enthusiasm on the part of the boys, who immediately learned the rules of “beat and run” while playing.

The president of Ferrara Baseball Francesco Tura declares that “this is an educational project in which we participate with enthusiasm and which satisfies the values ​​of our association”. The salient points of Scuola Attiva Junior are to promote the global motor development of children, useful for practicing all sports; allow conscious sports orientation of students, based on their motor aptitudes and preferences, encouraging the initiation and continuation of sports practice; promote correct lifestyles among students, teachers and families; encourage the discovery of many different and exciting sports; offer a social service to families, with free sporting activities for students.

2024-06-27 06:19:18
#educational #initiative #participate #enthusiasm #Ferrara #Baseball #Active #School #project


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