FFT Teen Raquettes 3rd Edition: Dinard Club Dedication and Exciting Finale!

The third edition of the FFT Teen Raquettes dedicated the La Raquette de Villeneuve d’Ascq Lille Métropole club to Dinard. The final phase was of course marked by lots of good humor and lots of entertainment!

Led by their coach Yanis, Alice, Charlotte, Lilou and Pauline won this 3rd edition of the FFT Teen Rackets. The Northerners beat TC Caudecoste (Nouvelle Aquitaine) of Elyna, Léna, Emma and Chloé in the final.

The joy of the winners at the match point was intense after a dream weekend for all!

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Numerous activities punctuated the program of the young players who greatly benefited from their stay in the magnificent Dinard club!

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2024-06-24 09:29:51
#Raquette #Villeneuve #dAscq #Lille #Métropole #wins #Teen #Raquettes


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