Fire Breaks Out in House in Zonhoven, Resident Escapes Unharmed

Zonhoven –

A fire broke out in a house in the Dorpsstraat in Zonhoven on Tuesday evening. The resident was able to escape in time and was taken to the hospital for a check-up.

Tuesday, June 25, 2024 at 10:45 PM

The fire broke out around 9:15 p.m. The South West Limburg fire brigade rushed to the scene to extinguish the fire. “The rear building was divided into a storage area and a living area, with an attic above,” says fire officer Tom Bosmans. “The fire broke out in the living area. According to the resident, this was near the garbage bin, after which the fire spread to the seat.”

“The resident, an elderly man, is in an electric wheelchair, but was able to get out of the house in time. At first glance, he had not inhaled any smoke, but was nevertheless taken to the hospital for a check-up. The living area burned down completely. The storage area suffered smoke and water damage, the ceiling only smoke damage.” The exact cause of the fire is unknown.

© Mine Dalemans

The resident, who sits in an electric wheelchair, made it outside in time. — © Mine Dalemans

The rear building is divided into a storage area and a living area. — © Mine Dalemans

© Mine Dalemans


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