First Annual 3×3 Night Basketball Marathon a Success in Quintanar de la Orden

During the afternoon-night of Saturday, June 29, in the Municipal pavilion of Quintanar de la Orden, the I 3×3 night basketball marathon.

The competition was organized by the Quintanar Basketball Club with the collaboration of the local City Council and the Department of Sports.

This event has been planned since last May, when the first team of the Quintanar Basketball Club qualified in the promotion phase and, following this dynamic, the Club wants to continue taking “this sport to the highest level in the town.” . For this reason, they encourage young people to “enter the world of basketball, to join their Club and practice this beautiful sport.” The organizers confess to having prepared the tournament “with great enthusiasm” and what they want with this is “to move basketball since during these years that there has not been a Club it has been a bit stopped in the town.”

And, although events of this type had already been organised on other occasions, this night tournament is the first time it has been held and with it they wanted to make a change from the previous ones and promote it with a fresher air.

For this reason, they opted for the 3×3 game, which is a simplified form of conventional basketball with some differences such as not having the figure of a coach and playing in a single hoop with the dimensions of the smallest court. In addition to being a more dynamic type of game and two games can be played at the same time on the same court.

Fourteen teams participated, each of them as required by this modality, consisting of four players, three of them being on the field and the other as a substitute.

Some of the teams were local and others came from different municipalities in the region such as Campo de Criptana, Miguel Esteban or Ciudad Real.

During the competition there have been twenty-six matches played from which the winners have emerged.

The prizes were valued at more than €700. Some of them being cash and other materials or products.

After eight hours of marathon, the winners were:

First Classified: Viva la Sucia (Ciudad Real)

Second Place: The Heckys of the New (Ciudad Real)

Third place: Los Pelos (Alcázar de San Juan)

Fourth Classified: Justiciera Iguanas (Miguel Esteban)

Best home team: The party is over

Best player of the tournament: Mario García (Viva la Sucia)

The organisers would like to thank Quintanar Town Hall, the participating teams and the public for their collaboration and encourage residents to enter the world of this wonderful sport as it is “very dynamic, in which you move a lot and is very egalitarian”.

2024-06-30 20:16:23
#Success #Night #Basketball #Marathon #Quintanar


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