Football: first stadium in Italy with photovoltaic coverage in Udine – Football

Udinese Calcio and Bluenergy Group have started work on a new solar park: over 2,400 photovoltaic panels will be installed on the roof of the Bluenergy Stadium, which will be the first system of this type in Italy.

“We are proud to have started a project of such great importance – stated the general director of Udinese, Franco Collavino – The installation of the solar park constitutes a further step forward and establishes new standards of sustainability. Today’s is a watershed and we will continue to commit ourselves to the values ​​we believe in. Bluenergy Stadium confirms, in this way, that it is a model and that it aims to be the first carbon free plant in Italy thanks also to photovoltaics, which will provide important benefits. to the entire community.”

The event was attended by the regional councilor for environmental protection, energy and sustainable development, Fabio Scoccimarro, together with Davide Villa, general director of the Bluenergy Group, and the deputy mayor of Udine, Alessandro Venanzi: “Initiatives like this must be encouraged , not just in words. The Region is proud to be the main sponsor of Udinese, with the Io sono Friuli Venezia Giulia brand to participate, in a tangible way, in what is an excellence of our territory”.

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2024-06-25 11:25:52
#Football #stadium #Italy #photovoltaic #coverage #Udine #Football


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