Former Agriculture Minister Admits Handing Over 1.3 Billion Rupiah to Former KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri

JAKARTA – Former Minister of Agriculture Syahrul Yasin Limpo admitted that he handed over money twice to former KPK Chairman Firli Bahuri. The amount reaches 1.3 billion rupees.

The confession began when the judge questioned the encounter with Firli, who had been in the public spotlight.

SYL did not deny the meeting. SYL explained, Firli asked him to come to GOR badminton in the Central Jakarta area.

“Mr Firli just invited me to come to GOR, watch or play badminton. It’s like this is what I first understood; “, said SYL during a hearing at the Jakarta Magistrate’s Court, Monday, June 24.

Hearing the testimony, the judge questioned SYL about meeting Firli Bahuri in addition to badminton.

SYL believed and mentioned that Firli Bahuri asked him to resume the talks at his home.

“It’s true,” he said, “later the conversation would be better at my place. He didn’t say that to the country,” SYL said.

“Yes, what’s the matter with the brother with Firli Bahuri? Does this have anything to do with the KPK investigation at the Ministry of Agriculture? » asked the judge.

“Usually there is no delivery like this,” SYL replied.

The judge continued to investigate SYL with several questions. Until finally it came to handing over the money.

SYL also claimed to have handed over money twice to the former KPK chairman.

“And there was a handing over of the money from the suadara who said yes. How many times discount? », asked the judge.

“That’s from me twice,” SYL said.

“Initially 500 is 800 huh? “, the judge asked with certainty.

“Yes, it’s almost like that,” SYL said.


Previously, former Secretary General (Sekjen) of the Ministry of Agriculture (MoD), Kasdi Subagyono, also confirmed the collection of funds worth Rs 800 million to be handed over to the former Chairman of the Commission of eradication of corruption or KPK, Firli Bahuri.

The money was intended to condition the cow purchase case which was investigated by the KPK at that time.

“Please, my mistress, at that time the minister himself had conveyed to the entire ranks of echelon I that there were problems related to the purchase of cows in the ministry which was problematic which was being investigated by the KPK. Then the minister said let it be anticipated, this is what is next, the meaning of anticipating, there is participation again,” Kasdi said.

Then, Kasdi said whether 800 million rupees were collected through sharing or association by the eselon I to the Ministry of Commerce. The request for collection of money was submitted by the accused Muhammad Hatta.

“What is this special sharing? sharing for the minister’s operations, what else is sharing for? », asked the judge.

“So after being delivered at that time, Mr. Hatta again explained that there was a need for 800 million rupiah which will be given to Mr. Firli,” Kasdi replied.

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2024-06-24 10:51:01
#Protecting #cow #purchase #case #SYL #hand #billion #money #Firli #Bahuri


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