Former Ajax coach, John van ‘t Schip, receives praise in Berlin with an Orange March

John van ‘t Schip also found his way to Berlin on Tuesday afternoon. In the German capital, where an Orange March is held on the day of the last group match of the Dutch national team against Austria, the former interim coach of Ajax receives praise from a lot of fans.

“Johnnie van ‘t Schip, Van ‘t Schip, Johnnie van ‘t Schip!”, is heard en masse from the Orange March. The sixty-year-old coach feels visibly honored and applauds the Dutch. “This is really unprecedented. As a player and national coach I experienced the European Championship and World Cup, and then you get the support, but then you are not in the middle of it. This really gives you goosebumps…” says Van ‘t Schip ESPN.

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“It’s nice to see that everyone is one with these types of events in the run-up to the Dutch national team. That is unique,” ​​the Ajax player continues. Van ‘t Schip then shines his light on the Dutch team. “They have to do better, but they know that. Anyway, in the tournament you have to grow, and you need luck every now and then. Today you have to leave a good impression to grow as a team,” he says.

Van ‘t Schip was the replacement for the dismissed Maurice Steijn last year. Under the leadership of the sixty-year-old coach, Ajax rose to fifth place in the Eredivisie. Van ‘t Schip will hold a different position in Amsterdam next season. He will have a position in ‘the football triangle with technical director Alex Kroes and Francesco Farioli’.

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