Former international Javier De Pedro in prison for sexist attacks

He was actively sought by the police. On Tuesday, former player Javier de Pedro was arrested by authorities in the Astigarraga cider house, where he works, and was imprisoned in Martutene prison, in San Sebastián, in the Basque Country, the newspaper reports The vanguard, quoting El Diario vasco. The former Real Sociedad midfielder will serve a nine-month prison sentence.

Javier De Pedro, who played in the World Cup with Spain in 2002 in South Korea and Japan, was found guilty of violence against a woman. Another complaint had also been filed the day before his arrest by another woman, who accused the former footballer of having attacked her. She reportedly suffered a fracture of the radius and ulna of one of her arms.

This is not the first time that Javier de Pedro has been guilty of sexist violence, reports the Spanish newspaper. In 2010, he was sentenced to 51 days of community service for threats against his ex-partner. Also in 2018, he was arrested after his partner was taken into the care of health services.


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