Former Player Charles Ménard Takes on New Role as General Manager for the Phoenix

The former player for the Charlesbourg Alouettes in the Quebec Junior Elite Baseball League was also doing very well in hockey, but because of his commitment to the world of ball, Charles Ménard had to make a choice.

The latter went so far as to become general manager of a junior baseball team in addition to being head recruiter of the Cégep Beauce-Appalaches Condors in hockey.

“For three years, I was also the assistant to the head scout of the Drakkar and for me, it is really an honor to take over from a guy like Alain Préfontaine, who is a legend in the QMJHL,” confides Charles. Menard. I’m ready for this! I am very happy to take on this new challenge and I can’t wait for it to start!”

The timing is right for him. Arriving before the start of training camp and just after the summer draft is a luxury and working for a rebuilding team also motivates him a lot.

“General manager Philippe Sauvé has his plan and no matter what happens to the bank of draft picks over time, trades are part of hockey, but anything can happen and the head scout must deal with the choices he makes. has in his pocket at the time of the selection session. I think the Phoenix is ​​more in draft mode than in player purchase mode, but we’ll see once we get there!”

— Charles Menard

The first step will be to meet the team’s recruiters.

“I would like to bring my color to the Phoenix, but I also want to maintain a certain continuity. I will meet everyone in the coming days to be on the same page and already, I have ensured the return of recruiter Serge Beaufort, who has a lot of credibility in the league and who has great experience to assist me as an assistant to the head recruiter. I will then also see how we can improve the team with recruiters that I know.”

Father of a family, Charles Ménard says he has the passion to take on this role.

“It’s a lot of hours of work, we have to think about the family without neglecting it and organize the schedule accordingly, but being a recruiter in the QMJHL means watching more than 300 games and several interviews to do, so passion is essential to do this work.”

Only one position is now to be filled at the Phoenix, that of assistant coach, after the departure of Michel Périard.

2024-06-20 13:34:11
#Charles #Ménard #leaves #BaieComeau #recruiter #Phoenix


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