Former referee Saïd Ennjimi would have awarded Xavi Simons’ goal in the Netherlands against the Blues

Saïd Ennjimi shares the opinion of Ronald Koeman, the coach of the Netherlands, who estimated Friday evening, after the draw (0-0) between his team and France, in Leipzig (in group D of the Euro ), that the goal refused to Xavi Simons for an offside position by Denzel Dumfries (70th), should have been awarded, arguing that the right side “does not disturb the goalkeeper”.

“Mike Maignan’s vision of the game is clear and he would not have had time to dive on Xavi Simons’ shot,” said the former international referee (51), consultant for the L’Équipe channel. “In my opinion, the goal should therefore have been awarded. But when the opposing player in an offside position (here Dumfries, therefore), is within 5.50 meters, therefore necessarily close to the goalkeeper, the referees tend very much to refuse the goal. So this initial decision, taken by Mr. Taylor on the advice of his assistant referee, not constituting a manifest error, the VAR respected the procedure. »

“It is not a scandal to refuse this goal, as it would not have been one either if it had been granted”

Saïd Ennjimi, former international referee

And this, by ultimately not encouraging, after long minutes of hesitation, the central referee to go and consult the images to possibly reverse his decision. “We are typically in the interpretable zone,” explains Saïd Ennjimi. It is therefore not a scandal to refuse this goal, as it would not have been one either if it had been granted”, which would therefore have been more in line with his sensibilities.


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