Francisco Cervelli Italian Baseball Academy Kicks Off Summer Camp in Castiglione della Pescaia

Castiglione della Pescaia: The Ymca Summer Baseball Camp, the first by Francisco Cervelli Academy, kicks off at the Simone Piani stadium in Casamora in Castiglione della Pescaia.

About fifty children from all over Italy are engaged in a full-immersion of sports practice, with the opportunity to increase their technical knowledge, followed by a great tutor who is Francisco Cervelli.

«Baseball is one of the most popular sports in the United States – declares the mayor Elena Nappi – and in recent years it has been gaining ground, especially among young people, also in Italy, thanks to activities such as those proposed by the YMCA School & Baseball Academy which they attract and stimulate kids to have special and educational experiences with the greats of this sport. Today I greatly appreciated the passion conveyed by the words of a great champion like Francisco Cervelli for the value of sport, for the importance it must have for young people, as well as for the beautiful environment that our territory offers.”

After many years of activity, the Ymca School & Baseball Academy changed its name to become the “FRANCISCO CERVELLI ITALIAN BASEBALL ACADEMY” and making use of the collaboration of an exceptional promoter such as Francisco Cervelli, former star of Major League Baseball, winner of the World Series in 2009 with the New York Yankees, protagonist of a brilliant career as a player with the Pittsburgh, Atlanta and Miami franchises and, recently, catchers coach with San Diego, also with the Italian national team he participated in the editions of the World Baseball Classic of 2009 and 2017.

«It is with immense pleasure that I am here – declares Francisco Cervelli – working with so many young people, making my experience available to give them new learning opportunities. Sport is socialization, it is discipline and it is taking care of yourself and others. I am happy to share this experience with them and with the organizers Deborah, Gianni and Marco who are a big family to me. I love Italy and I love Castiglione della Pescaia, which I consider my second home. My mission is to make this school great, by creating an academy that can offer young people an opportunity for growth and also a career in this beautiful sport that is baseball.”

«It is a great honor and a privilege for us to have Francisco Cervelli here today – adds Marco Mazzieri, Technical Director of the Francisco Cervelli Italian Baseball Academy – a great champion who has linked his name to our Academy. A collaboration that opens new perspectives for our baseball school, bringing the kids closer to a different job, to American baseball, a great enrichment of their wealth of experiences. This year there are so many kids and this makes us even more honored by this collaboration.”

The Summer Baseball Camp is the first summer event for the Baseball Academy in Castiglione della Pescaia, which precedes the Lambert Ford memorial which will take place from 24 to 29 June.

It will be a triangular tournament between the home team, the Francisco Cervelli Academy, a team from California and one from the Czech Republic, the best of international baseball to remember a great champion like Lambert Ford.

«Today’s great champions who remember the greats of yesterday so as never to forget – concludes the first citizen – this is one of the great values ​​that sport manages to pass down to all generations and is fundamental for building a better future from every point of view ».

2024-06-20 08:48:51
#Baseball #protagonist #Castiglione #summer #Francisco #Cervelli #Academy


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