Franck Hervy Claims Fourth French Championship Title in Dominant Fashion

Franck Hervy won his fourth French championship title against Alain Moracchini (6/3, 6/2). He thus succeeds Arnaud Deleval, crowned last year at the Roland-Garros stadium.

Franck Hervy (3/6, NVA) had an ideal week on the courts of Le Touquet!

Without losing a single round, the Tartas PS member since 2001 has made his way towards winning a fourth French championship title, after those of 2009 (45 years old), 2017 (50 years old) and 2019 (55 years old).

The week went wellsums up the man who managed to dominate all his opponents without trembling. I’m only reaching 60, so we can say that I was the youngest of the even older (laughs) ! When you enter a new category, you may have a little more chance of being able to go to the end of the tournament and that’s what I’ve been doing since I was 45!

The only small downside to an almost perfect week: he was slightly injured during the final, won against Alain Moracchini (4/6, PCA)

I hurt myself at 5-2 in the first set, I felt my adductor stiffen a little. I managed to finish the first round and then I asked for the physio to come, so we left, she strapped me to be able to hold on. I was lucky it lasted until the end.” he explained after the meeting.

Facing an opponent who won the title in this category in 2022 and failed in the final last year, the injury ultimately did not slow him down, all in a particularly pleasant atmosphere.

The Touquet site is very pretty, In addition, we had chosen to rent a place together, we were at the foot of the fields, ideal conditions for the competition! Getting together is always very nice“, concluded the new champion.

2024-06-27 17:20:44
#Franck #Hervy #controlled #success


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