Freedom couldn’t stand it. She pointed it out right away. “Poles should learn from the Czechs”

Ewa Swoboda is one of the best sprinters in the history of Poland. She holds the national record in the 60 m run at 6.98 s – this was the time she covered this distance in Glasgow in 2024. He also does well in the 100 m distance. His time is 10.94, which is the second best result in our country. Only Ewa Kasprzyk ran faster – 10.93. It’s no wonder that Swoboda is one of our greatest medal hopes at the upcoming Olympic Games. She also confirmed that she is in excellent shape at the ongoing Polish athletics championships. However, what she experienced there left her quite disappointed.

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Ewa Swoboda couldn’t stand it after the final. He thunders about the fans

Swoboda again did not give their opponents a chance. Despite quite difficult weather conditions – there was a strong wind – the Pole confidently won the semi-final and then the decisive race. She reached the finish line with a time of 11.11 seconds. Pia Skrzyszowska finished second on the podium, but lost 0.22 seconds to her compatriot. The bronze was won by Kryscina Cimanouska (11.40 s).

And although the competitors gave it their all and showed themselves from a really good side, not many people had the opportunity to applaud them. According to the media, about two thousand fans showed up at the stadium in Bydgoszcz, which is a result that was definitely below expectations. After all, the stadium can accommodate as many as 20 thousand fans. And this fact saddened Swoboda quite a bit, to which the sprinter quickly pointed out.

– From what I saw, there were few fans today – she lamented, quoted by Przegląd Sportowy. And she didn’t end there. She pointed to a country where interest in athletics is much greater. And she explained what could be the reason for this. – They organize great events in the Czech Republic, I really like competing there. Both in the hall and at the stadium. (…) They just have a picnic there, there is a lot of food. They have great fun with it. (…) Poles should learn from the Czechs – she summed up bluntly.

Fans disappointed with Swoboda

This is yet another time when Swoboda has expressed her disappointment with the attitude of Polish fans. It was similar during the Janusz Kusociński Memorial in 2023. At that time, she set a personal best in the 100 m (11.03), but not many people had the opportunity to cheer her on. “I was embarrassed by the turnout in the stands. After what I saw last year, I expected more fans to sit in the stands. Unfortunately. I feel sorry. I don’t know why there are so few track and field fans in Poland,” she emphasized.

The Polish Athletics Championships are one of the last tests for Swoboda before the Olympic Games. The games will start on July 26 and will last until August 11. The runner is one of many hopes for medals for the Poles. The White and Reds will also have a good chance in other disciplines. Among the favorites are volleyball players Nikola Grbić and top tennis players Iga Świątek and Hubert Hurkacz.

2024-06-28 10:21:00
#Freedom #couldnt #stand #pointed #Poles #learn #Czechs


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